Help explaining this to family


Well-Known Member
Wow,Tarzan, you really should step down off your high horse you got there. Never did I say I was taking over Vegas with my 3 months of Kiss play and was sure I could win thousands in a night and spend it on fancy rooms and cars. I didn't even ask YOU for your "secrets" on how to play. I can figure a lot out on my own about how to do it, with questions here and there, however, I will never ask anyone for their deepest playing secrets. I think CAA said it all very well for me, Thank you for that by the way, I have no unreal expectations. I am an intelligent female who doesn't wear rose colored glasses. I have a real job, graduated from college and know nothing comes easy. It wasn't nice of you to assume I was in the fog about all the negative things that can come from Advantage Play. There is downs... I get it. The fact I am a girl really has nothing to do with anything. I am not flashing my tits around asking for help. I asked how I get my family to understand how this can be a good thing (with risks, yes) however, more good than bad. I didn't ask for anyone's charity. Just wanted to know how you guys all get your SO to be a part and not hassle. However, your rant was delightful to read. Thank you to everyone else who answered the question I asked and didn't quote the Wizard of Oz at me.. since that was so funny and witty.


Well-Known Member
Did not read all the posts

Not wanting to read the 40 or so posts in this thread I might be repeating stuff.
A significant other has to be told. Explaining it to someone can be extremely difficult. When I met my wife I was already past the learning curve and was a profit making counter. It took several years before she really believed me I believe but after a bunch of years in a row of being able suppliment our investments and life style through casino winnings, she believed but also understood that you do not win every time out. Our biggest problem will always be that she has no interest in gambling at an advantage or not and she dislikes gambers. If joining me, she does like good restaurants, shopping, shows and spas. I make sure none of my AP activities interfere with family things.

Telling other family members takes selective judgement. Mostly you should work this on a need to know basis and you will quickly see that they really have no need to know. We all also have family members who will broadcast this to everyone they know and others who immediately will stamp you as someone with a problem.

Where I take a strict position is with workmates, employees, bosses etc. They have absolutely no need to know and I believe only harm can come to you by letting them know. Just imagine things like a closed door meeting where you, (the cardcounter) are turned down for a responsible position because someone who knows about your play thinks you have a dangerous hobby or gambling problem.

You will hear stuff like, "you can't beat the casinos, those fancy places were not built on winners." (fact is they were built on junkbonds)



Well-Known Member
Well put. I don't tell anyone it doesn't effect. My SO.. I am guessing it does effect him ;) But I don't share with just anyone on counting.. and let alone anything else in my life really. Just keep my business to myself :)


Well-Known Member
Koseao said:
Well put. I don't tell anyone it doesn't effect. My SO.. I am guessing it does effect him ;) But I don't share with just anyone on counting.. and let alone anything else in my life really. Just keep my business to myself :)
I used to get a small kick out of sometimes just throwing my fastball down the middle and telling some obnoxious stranger at a social gathering while with wife's friends and family, "I play BJ on the internet for a living. And have been for 4 years. (sometimes adding for effect "in my uinderwear'"). That's who I am. That's what i do."

Once their lower-jaw stopped bouncing off the ground, great - they never asked me again.

It never bothered me my wife would tell squares whatever she chose to.
She'd just tell me before the "sociial gathering" I was either "retired", a "day-trader" or "anything else".

I guess we were lucky enough to have an "understanding" since becasue, even she, eventually, came around to believe, apparently, I must be doing something right.

In the Early Days, I begged her to join in. She wouldn't. Since we have separate finances and all and it would actually be her money lol. In the Later Days, I set her up with an account on another box and had to listen to her ignoring how I told her to bet lmao.

It was a bloody nightmare becasue she is a good "loser" but a horrible "winner". Let me tell just you, she would get a 15-yard penalty from
"unsportsmanlike-conduct" if she was a football player lol.

It was a nightmare having to listen to her "I won $400 this month from Casino A and you only won $300".

A pleasant nightmare, not that I have ever told her lol.

She enjoyed the game in ways I could never dream of, enjoyed it with the pure joy of winning as a gambler (I'd flat-bet, grind it out in a longer period of time, really never experiencing that much emotion at all - she'd bet whatever she chose to with risks so high I could only cringe). Took a 100% loss of roll in stride. (Completely unnecesary to me had she bet the way I "suggested").

She taught me alot lol.

Put the fun back in the game for me.

Actually changed where I wore my belt and suspenders in the last year or so.

Started betting "crazy" relatively speaking .

Won more after that than I had ever had.

Whatever, she pretty much only played Intercasino or CON from month to month but it was great fun seeing each month how she'd play her 100/100 or 200/200 bonus lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try to tie up a few loose ends on the site.

Here's one:

JSTAT: "Well excuse me ExhibitCAA, didn't you celebrate a barring at Barona as a badge of honor while being inducted into the Blackjack Hall of Fame there?"

Let's get our facts straight. I voluntarily agreed not to play at Barona long before I was inducted into the BJ HoF, and probably before there even was a BJ HoF. As an attendee at Max Rubin's BJ Ball many years ago, I agreed, as a personal favor to Max, not to play at Barona. That's it. I never got barred there, I'm not trespassed from there, and that's all there is to it. I choose not to play there, and this has cost me financially, but as I said, it is a personal favor to Max, and I'm not a mercenary.

I'm not sure where you think I "celebrated" a non-existent "barring," so please don't invent facts, and please don't twist anything I've ever said as a justification for your own nonsensical boastings of barrings.


Well-Known Member
I say this from personal experience. I had many fights with an ex g/f over this very issue before we finally split. I would try to educate her with the statistics and what not proving that I could play the game for a profit but all that went over her head. I even took her with me one time and showed her that I could win and still nothing made her view it more positively. It became well it seems to me, you would rather spend time in a casino than see me, and blah blah blah. Then there was the argument well if you can take all this money to gamble with, why can't you spend it on me. I tried to explain to her that it is an investment and I need this amount of money so I slowly grow my investment. If someone had $50,000 and were starting a business, would you expect them to spend that $50,000 on you? Regardless, I wasn't able to get her to see the light or change her mind. My friends think I'm some degenerate gambler but int he end, I've given up convincing people. I think you'll find that maybe you'll find the best suited SO for you ironically enough in the casino, either that or find someone who is mathmatically inclined and can understand things like variance and standard deviation.