Hi (from a lurker)


New Member
Hello everyone, Just wanted to say hi to everyone now that i decided to finally register and post. Been lurking for quite some time trying to draw up as much information as possible.

I am kind of new to the whole blackjack strategy thing and had no idea there were so many things to learn. But from perusing the site i am glad i found you all here and thank you already for the massive amounts of knowledge i have gained.
So in otherwords just wanted to say hi and thank you to everyone and look forward to being part of this forum.


Well-Known Member
Minkyaman said:
Hello everyone, Just wanted to say hi to everyone now that i decided to finally register and post. Been lurking for quite some time trying to draw up as much information as possible.

I am kind of new to the whole blackjack strategy thing and had no idea there were so many things to learn. But from perusing the site i am glad i found you all here and thank you already for the massive amounts of knowledge i have gained.
So in otherwords just wanted to say hi and thank you to everyone and look forward to being part of this forum.
Welcome (officially) to BJinfo :) Are you just looking to study up on BS, counting, or even more advanced techniques? Have you actually played BJ yet?

If you are feeling that anonimity isn't a concern... Where are you from? Age? Favorite casino?


New Member
Thank you!

Yeah i have been playing started going consistently with my buddy before i even knew about all the different strategies. We won that night but i came home and started studying, and it has paid off.

Right now i know the basic strategy and working on some advanced techniques which like i said is working. Been going and turning a profit, some days bigger than others but still turning one.

Anyway, i am from the detroit area, so i mosey down to the casinos downtown, MGM, Motorcity and Greektown. Mostly to MGM though, even though i should be taking a break from there due to the fact that i have been taking their money and leaving lol. The pit bosses always tipper typer away at their little computer behind the table when i'm playing. Thinking that might be a sign to wander to a different casino for a bit.

But again thank you for the welcome and look forward to talking to you all.


Well-Known Member
Time to make the pit your friend or not

First off: Since you are just playing basic strategy, you really should not be too worried about the floorman fighting with his computer.
I often sit at third base in casinos that have a computer just to my left so the pit is there constantly. He has to be there to record buy ins, cash outs, average bets by players and to order fills. He is not there to make you nervous or review your playing method. In fact, if he is smart and wants to check you out, he would move to somewhere else where he could get a view without being noticed by you easily.

Depending on your personality, now might be the time to buddy up to this pit before you learn how to count. If he just considers you a basic strategy player and no more now, he might not be very quick to re-evaluate you later.
A lot depends on your style and personality in the casino. If you are naturally nervous and I guess you are since you have nothing to worry about now and you are worried, this might not be good advice.



New Member
ihate17 said:
First off: Since you are just playing basic strategy, you really should not be too worried about the floorman fighting with his computer.
I often sit at third base in casinos that have a computer just to my left so the pit is there constantly. He has to be there to record buy ins, cash outs, average bets by players and to order fills. He is not there to make you nervous or review your playing method. In fact, if he is smart and wants to check you out, he would move to somewhere else where he could get a view without being noticed by you easily.

Depending on your personality, now might be the time to buddy up to this pit before you learn how to count. If he just considers you a basic strategy player and no more now, he might not be very quick to re-evaluate you later.
A lot depends on your style and personality in the casino. If you are naturally nervous and I guess you are since you have nothing to worry about now and you are worried, this might not be good advice.

Actually i just got home played for about 3 hours ended up cashing out up 400, not a bad day i think

But I was about to ask that cause he is always suspicious of the casinos, too many movies i guess lol. At the tables i always talk to the pit and the dealer, not very nervous at all. He's the one that is always whispering 'watch them, they are putting stuff in' :)

I always wondered though what they type in there though when nothing is happening, iono though:eek: