I’m new here, what should I know?


Like the title says, I’m new here, is there a few forum specific things I should know.

I get touting my “new system” for Martingale 2.0 isn’t a good idea, and my love of sticking to basic strategy isn’t shared by many,... but is there a sticky somewhere I’m missing that can give me a cypher for some of the shorthand on here? Are there some good posts to make sure to check out?

Is there a good way to introduce myself to AA the forum so as to not be beaten about the head and neck?
your new here and what should you know? just know if you have an average bankroll you will lose, if you have an average counting system you will lose, and if your not using a 1-20 spread your just breakin even ask any AP on this site they laugh anyone using a 1-8 or 1-12 just buy cvcx amd cvbj everyone seems to agree with the norm, Kool jay may help you his stories are a true testament of a story of a man who quit his day job and never looked back im sure if anyone can help you get started he can hes better than any book or software you can get your hands on but if i were you id run a few good sims, that will show you you COULD lose 50-100 max bets and read the men card counters from the past on this site on how they had it so bad and lost their bankrolls consisting of 4k and upwards of that


Well-Known Member
Tex said:
Like the title says, I’m new here, is there a few forum specific things I should know.

I get touting my “new system” for Martingale 2.0 isn’t a good idea, and my love of sticking to basic strategy isn’t shared by many,... but is there a sticky somewhere I’m missing that can give me a cypher for some of the shorthand on here? Are there some good posts to make sure to check out?

Is there a good way to introduce myself to AA the forum so as to not be beaten about the head and neck?
Hopefully, other replies you will get will be more intelligent, more realistic, and less pessimistic than the one you received as a first response. People who judge what others may or may not be able to achieve while playing this game, based solely on their own personal experiences, don't help a beginner to understand what he needs to know.

My suggestion: lurk for a while. Read the archives and older posts on topics that interest you. Read some decent books. Form opinions based on remarks from established posters whose judgment you will learn to trust. In general, ignore all the hysterics. They're almost always from losing whiners who want you to feel their pain.

YES do indeed read the archieves read on how 85% of card counters brag on there losing money, i actually did count cards not with a 10k roll but with a 1k roll all back count and got raped for it, all i can say thank god i did not have max bets when back counting cause id lose 10 grand if i pressed on back counting i have 5% experience of card counting i admit that and 95% knowledge of the game either atlantic city and Pa games all S17/LS with my knowledge going in with a 1k, 2k, 3k, a bit more would be dumb you need atleast 10k and then you could get backed off after losing 1/2 or maybe the casino is stupid losing alot of money is not cover as cool Jay once said in Pa games


Well-Known Member
sidthesquid said:
YES do indeed read the archieves read on how 85% of card counters brag on there losing money, i actually did count cards not with a 10k roll but with a 1k roll all back count and got raped for it, all i can say thank god i did not have max bets when back counting cause id lose 10 grand if i pressed on back counting i have 5% experience of card counting i admit that and 95% knowledge of the game either atlantic city and Pa games all S17/LS with my knowledge going in with a 1k, 2k, 3k, a bit more would be dumb you need atleast 10k and then you could get backed off after losing 1/2 or maybe the casino is stupid losing alot of money is not cover as cool Jay once said in Pa games
Sid if you ever try back counting again next time make your bets when the TC is positive instead of negative.


DSchles said:
Hopefully, other replies you will get will be more intelligent, more realistic, and less pessimistic than the one you received as a first response. People who judge what others may or may not be able to achieve while playing this game, based solely on their own personal experiences, don't help a beginner to understand what he needs to know.

My suggestion: lurk for a while. Read the archives and older posts on topics that interest you. Read some decent books. Form opinions based on remarks from established posters whose judgment you will learn to trust. In general, ignore all the hysterics. They're almost always from losing whiners who want you to feel their pain.

Thank you Don.

Any perticular posts to look at? Also, what books? I understand you have one. Any others?


Well-Known Member
Sid other than my previous post all I can think of is when you count cards the tens, jacks, queens, kings, and aces are not to be counted as +1.
if you were a real counter then you would know you can still lose and lose big back counting, just because the count is high does not mean you will win cash on this shoe.

there was a post on here one guy said he was up 330+ units from back counting now he says hes down 400 or so units from back counting in Sands casino or Parx

i was not fortunate to win 330 units nor was i unfortunate to lose 400 units and for the record i was using the Klll count (yes unbalanced but still powerful it matches the hi lo back counting should not have an issue getting the edge) but alas i lost on positive shoes like all the counters from yesteryear
Hey tex i'll sell you a dozen blackjack software and over 2 dozen blackjack books authors ranging from Stanford wong to Arnold synder, and blackjack software from the mid 80s to qfit on dos platform all can mimic the rules/shuffles the likes of the house

want to buy i can let it go for a reasonable price