iPhone Blackjack

Just to be upfront, I am a new member and I built the game Bona Fide Blackjack for the iPhone. I was hoping to be able to share it with you guys. I built it because the iPhone lacked a good statistically accurate blackjack game.

Bona Fide Blackjack is not only statistically accurate it has mechanisms not present in all other blackjack games for iPhone include shuffle and penetration card mechanics.

If you guys wouldn't mind taking a look you can check out our website at (Dead link: http://www.bonafideblackjack.com) _Bona Fide Blackjack_ which also links to iTunes.

I have a limited number of redemption codes too so feel free to email me and I'll let you download a free copy (apple only gives me a few though).

Love to know everyone's thoughts, sorry if I'm out of line with this post.


Well-Known Member
Your Web site doesn't tell me anything... unless it has
Counting practice
Different systems of counting with built in indices or even user input indices or tags
ability to vary bets
Built in basic strategy checking ability
Ability to change decks, penetration...

I would not really use it... I can play a canned blackjack game on any of hundreds of games out there for iPhone


bonafideblackjack said:
Just to be upfront, I am a new member and I built the game Bona Fide Blackjack for the iPhone. I was hoping to be able to share it with you guys. I built it because the iPhone lacked a good statistically accurate blackjack game.

Bona Fide Blackjack is not only statistically accurate it has mechanisms not present in all other blackjack games for iPhone include shuffle and penetration card mechanics.

If you guys wouldn't mind taking a look you can check out our website at (Dead link: http://www.bonafideblackjack.com) _Bona Fide Blackjack_ which also links to iTunes.

I have a limited number of redemption codes too so feel free to email me and I'll let you download a free copy (apple only gives me a few though).

Love to know everyone's thoughts, sorry if I'm out of line with this post.
is it only for iphone?


Well-Known Member
c.davide said:
ok...if someone can answer me a day could be great...bye for now :(
Even the web site has limited information, it does say it is for iPhone and iPad as long as the device runs iOS3 or later.