Well-Known Member
Last week I made a comment about how much I enjoyed reading the 'meet the guru of blackjack' interview with Stanford Wong in the 2011 edition of American Casino Guide. Being a somewhat younger guy, I personally enjoy reading about the earlier days of blackjack and especially the early years of some of the outstanding gentlemen that I have had the opportunity to learn from through their books and discussions on this and other BJ sites. After mentioning this, my friend, frequent BJ21 poster and occasional poster here, BJayCobbson directed me towards the e-book "Legends of Blackjack" by Kevin Blackwood. An outstanding read about the beginnings of some professionals and teams that some of us younger guys know of and/or may not be familiar with. I whole heartedly recommend it to some of the other younger fellows that I have met or communicated with recently like Dyepaintball12, SleightOfHand and BillytheBJkid. There is a lot to be learned from those that traveled this road before us.