
aslan said:
By BS I assume you mean Basic Strategy. :) Trust me, he knows what he is talking about. He was only trying to help. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Have you ever sat down with BO and played cards with him ? Do you know him personally ? For all we know he could be a 16 year year old kid behind the keyboard as well as I could be a escaped lunitac from the funny farm. Makes you wonder which one is true.


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
Which ever [sic] one you chose I am sure you will be good at it wheter [sic] it be counting cards or skull cracking.
Hey Bojack, did you read this part? I've seen you play and I've seen how you deal with obnoxious ploppies. I agree that you are very successful at both. :laugh:

On the internet you can be anything you want to be. It surprises me that some people still decide to be trolls. I guess some people are even failures in their fantasies. :cry:



Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
Have you ever sat down with BO and played cards with him ? Do you know him personally ? For all we know he could be a 16 year year old kid behind the keyboard as well as I could be a escaped lunitac from the funny farm. Makes you wonder which one is true.
I have never heard Bojack1 say anything regarding the game of blackjack that was not on the mark. Take it for what it's worth.
Sonny said:
Hey Bojack, did you read this part? I've seen you play and I've seen how you deal with obnoxious ploppies. I agree that you are very successful at both. :laugh:

What would the might BO do ? :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
InPlay said:
What would the might BO do ? :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
You mean Barack Obama? I am sure he has a perfectly viable hope-based system for winning at blackjack. He's willing to negotiate with the dealer without any preconditions.

Seriously though, I'm pleased to see this discussion is taking place in the Voodoo section. Voodoo beliefs are neither helpful nor harmful.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bojack1
... Luck has nothing to do with my skill or my overall financial status. I have had down days, never said I didn't. I don't need an endless supply of money to accomplish my goals, just the amount called for......
some AP's associate luck with standard deviation. not sure how you associate the two but i'm sure you take standard deviation into consideration when you assess your risk potential and trip bank roll requirements.
Orignially Posted by Sonny
When you're good, the luck disappears quickly. There may be plenty of bad days, but the bad quarters are rare and the bad years become extinct. You should look into it before you judge.
do you associate luck with standard deviation? i don't think so because i'm sure you know standard deviation wont disappear. i'm also thinking you see casino's fitting into a truly normalized kind of situation, to the point i'd expect you to maybe think luck in a casino hardly exists. so what is this luck that disappears quickly? i'm guessing your refering to like N0 and the point where ev=stdev sort of thing? so would a rare bad quater be bad luck? do bad years really become extinct? don't seasoned counters some times experience years that are not profitable? serious question, i've heard that it happens. :confused:
Orignially Posted by InPlay
....I have never had a angry day in my life when gambling. If I lost lost I chalked it up to bad luck if I won I had good luck....
really InPlay? you don't get down in the dumps when bad luck hits? how about when good luck hits? do you associate luck and standard deviation?


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:

Seriously though, I'm pleased to see this discussion is taking place in the Voodoo section. Voodoo beliefs are neither helpful nor harmful.
i thought you believed in Karma.:p
is luck voodoo? lol i know it's not an acceptable subject in the general blackjack threads beyond as far as you can throw it and certainly not in the card counting threads. do you think luck exists in casino's? do you associate luck and standard deviation?


Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
......Many have argued that luck can play a large part in a counters initial success. That can be true if luck is what you need to be successful. A small bankroll that gets overbet to try to exceed expectations, will need that good luck to succeed.It will also need to avoid extreme bad luck right off the bat as well.
yep, been there done that, still doin it lol.
couldn't a 'sufficient' bankroll suffer or benefit from good and bad luck?
couldn't this sort of phenomenon have significance in times other than early on ie. mid-career & later on as well?

Either way it doesn't matter as long as the player is aware of the consequences of their actions. If the luck is good then continue on hopefully playing a skillful, smart game. If the luck is bad, well that should have been something already considered. In such case regroup and try again, hopefully with better results next time. But as I said before the further you sail away from luck dependency, the less it factors into the bottomline.
really in essence i think this is what blackchipjim is getting at. perhaps he hasn't crystallized the full extent of what your saying but it sounds as if he is close.
i'd just say though that it's fine to disregard luck as anything more of a ROR consideration and tirp bankroll consideration sort of thing and yet still that doesn't mean that one can't place emphasis on the phenomenon of luck with respect to other considerations such as exercising of playing strategy, betting or even what games to consider exploiting. it's a given though that such considerations aren't a part of orthodox methods, at least as far as i know. i think maybe where blackchipjim and i may have common ground that isn't shared by the orthodox community is the idea of the significance of the fact that if you present the results of luck and the results of skill to a person who doesn't know whence those results came from then that person wouldn't be able to determine the source of those results, ie. was it luck or was it skill. edit==>> tawkin casinos here not outside the casino walls.....
sagefr0g said:
some AP's associate luck with standard deviation.
really InPlay? you don't get down in the dumps when bad luck hits? how about when good luck hits? do you associate luck and standard deviation?

I guess you can say you do get highs and lows in the gambling world whether it be winning or losing. I don't get mad if I lose. I might say you mother f----er when the dealer pulls a 6 card 21 on me but thats about it. It's a natural reaction. But mad no. This is the life we chose to live.
sagefr0g said:
yep, been there done that, still doin it lol.
couldn't a 'sufficient' bankroll suffer or benefit from good and bad luck?
couldn't this sort of phenomenon have significance in times other than early on ie. mid-career & later on as well?

really in essence i think this is what blackchipjim is getting at. perhaps he hasn't crystallized the full extent of what your saying but it sounds as if he is close.
i'd just say though that it's fine to disregard luck as anything more of a ROR consideration and tirp bankroll consideration sort of thing and yet still that doesn't mean that one can't place emphasis on the phenomenon of luck with respect to other considerations such as exercising of playing strategy, betting or even what games to consider exploiting. it's a given though that such considerations aren't a part of orthodox methods, at least as far as i know. i think maybe where blackchipjim and i may have common ground that isn't shared by the orthodox community is the idea of the significance of the fact that if you present the results of luck and the results of skill to a person who doesn't know whence those results came from then that person wouldn't be able to determine the source of those results, ie. was it luck or was it skill.

Now thats a mouthful. Every think of writing a book ?


Well-Known Member
voodoo vs reality

This thread is in the right place and discussed in the correct light. The poeple are not suggesting that it has any real place in the ap community. Sagefrog and myself are well aware of correct play and betting indices that it takes to be a winner in the long run. He started this thread and I added to it precisely how I felt the thread dictated. I don't hijack people threads nor do I smash them for reasons some people do. I don't have to prove how smart I am to anyone here or anywhere else. Sage brought up a theory and that is just that nothing else. I respect others on this forum and thier views and even though I might not agree with them if it appears here it is just conjucture. blackchipjim:grin:


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
I guess you can say you do get highs and lows in the gambling world whether it be winning or losing. I don't get mad if I lose. I might say you mother f----er when the dealer pulls a 6 card 21 on me but thats about it. It's a natural reaction. But mad no. This is the life we chose to live.
yeah there ya go highs and lows. what ever it's hopes and dreams. sometimes afraid too hope to much or the dream will fade away. it's almost maybe akin to a sexual impulse like this lady tawks bout:
"ll suffit d'un fantasme seuel a un homme pour avoir une erection."
"ll suffit donc d'une seule pensee pour l'erection du penis d'un homme"
"ll n'y avait aucune cause exterirure."
"Elle a ete provoquee de l'interieur."
what ever lmao. i'd pay good money for the highs and i'd pay equal to avoid the lows but i guess you need some of the damm lows inorder to percieve the highs for what they are. maybe the trick is you don't have to pay for the highs in gambling but the trick being to not over pay for the lows. :confused:

a story:
after hearing how a friend's Grandfather used to play craps with him i decided to teach my grandson how to play. it was great fun for us both even though i (the teacher) and my grandson didn't really know how to properly play. when i told my friend about this he asked if my grandson would cry when he was losing. and it was true i had noticed how the little fellow would begin to tear up when he'd lose a little and go back to being happy winning. he beat me out of all my pennies (and i supplied the pennies) by the way lol. my friend related how he did the same back in the day as well.

so anyway i'm just thinking that gambling and luck is akin on a scale of human interests and fascinations just as sexual discovery and awareness is for humans.

Originally Posted by sagefr0g
yep, been there done that, still doin it lol.
couldn't a 'sufficient' bankroll suffer or benefit from good and bad luck?
couldn't this sort of phenomenon have significance in times other than early on ie. mid-career & later on as well?

really in essence i think this is what blackchipjim is getting at. perhaps he hasn't crystallized the full extent of what your saying but it sounds as if he is close.
i'd just say though that it's fine to disregard luck as anything more of a ROR consideration and tirp bankroll consideration sort of thing and yet still that doesn't mean that one can't place emphasis on the phenomenon of luck with respect to other considerations such as exercising of playing strategy, betting or even what games to consider exploiting. it's a given though that such considerations aren't a part of orthodox methods, at least as far as i know. i think maybe where blackchipjim and i may have common ground that isn't shared by the orthodox community is the idea of the significance of the fact that if you present the results of luck and the results of skill to a person who doesn't know whence those results came from then that person wouldn't be able to determine the source of those results, ie. was it luck or was it skill.

Now thats a mouthful. Every think of writing a book ?
thats an idea, with maybe some poetry? lol.
if i really had expertise like some on these boards i'd might give it a shot lol.
after all i'm supposedly an insightful linguist. lmao. here are my only credentials:
edit ===>>>for poetry's sake take a listen:


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
yep, been there done that, still doin it lol.
couldn't a 'sufficient' bankroll suffer or benefit from good and bad luck?
couldn't this sort of phenomenon have significance in times other than early on ie. mid-career & later on as well?

really in essence i think this is what blackchipjim is getting at. perhaps he hasn't crystallized the full extent of what your saying but it sounds as if he is close.
i'd just say though that it's fine to disregard luck as anything more of a ROR consideration and tirp bankroll consideration sort of thing and yet still that doesn't mean that one can't place emphasis on the phenomenon of luck with respect to other considerations such as exercising of playing strategy, betting or even what games to consider exploiting. it's a given though that such considerations aren't a part of orthodox methods, at least as far as i know. i think maybe where blackchipjim and i may have common ground that isn't shared by the orthodox community is the idea of the significance of the fact that if you present the results of luck and the results of skill to a person who doesn't know whence those results came from then that person wouldn't be able to determine the source of those results, ie. was it luck or was it skill.
To address your first point, any bankroll can feel affects of luck, as most do. As you know E.V is an average of what is expected. Usually results will be higher or lower per session of expectation. If you want that can be called luck, or standard deviation. Regardless of how far from the mean results may fall short term they can always be measured in terms of S.D. As you progress into longer terms as far as playing, as long as you are playing as a skilled AP, highs and lows while still a factor become just jogs in the graph. Meaning luck will always be immediately evident in each session, but the sum of your playing will revert to the mean regardless of how bad or good you feel at any given session. However, this only stands true for those that play at a consistent level. If you vary your play to where you are sometimes an AP, sometimes a progression player, or sometimes a hunch or gut player, you will lose the ability to excuse luck as standard deviation, and now depend on it for your results. In this case good luck is untrackable and bad luck inevitable. Afterall the odds are against you in any casino game, which will limit what is referred to as good luck to any who play the game on a regular basis.

As far as your second point, you are right that the results of luck vs skill may be indechipherable to an outside observer. But that only stands true for small sample sizes. Given lifetime playing records of AP's vs straight gamblers, you will see the difference and could determine luck from skill. There are always exceptions, but that is exactly that, not the rule. The problem I have seen with a lot of fledgling AP's is inconsistency in how they play the game resulting in more of a luck graph as opposed to a skilled one. Thats why so many push luck as an ingredient in being a winner. When you are skilled and play with an advantage luck is an expectation that whether good or bad shouldn't shock or surprise you. Sure losing sucks and winning is great, we all feel that to a degree. But if advantage play is fully grasped then you get that what happened today only matters for an instant and we shouldn't live or die with the emotion of it. You wouldn't believe what I've lost in one day, nor would you believe what I have won. The fact is when the smoke clears, as long as I have chosen my games well and have played with skill it all trends towards the positive. Anybody can beat this game on a lucky day, but in blackjack, luck won't pay the bills.
sagefr0g said:
i thought you believed in Karma.:p
is luck voodoo? lol i know it's not an acceptable subject in the general blackjack threads beyond as far as you can throw it and certainly not in the card counting threads. do you think luck exists in casino's? do you associate luck and standard deviation?
Yes, luck exists in casinos. We see it as standard deviation and variance, but maybe it's part of God's plan. But being we can't see God's plan, we're stuck relying on the math. And if losing your money is God's plan, why would you fear it?

So to me, relying on the math and avoiding voodoo and superstition is the same thing as trusting in God. If I'm betting full-Kelly and I'm one of the unlucky 13%, that's the way it goes. I didn't complain about being born with a huge dick and I'm not going to complain about being on the ass end of variance at blackjack. Both are random.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Yes, luck exists in casinos. We see it as standard deviation and variance, but maybe it's part of God's plan. But being we can't see God's plan, we're stuck relying on the math. And if losing your money is God's plan, why would you fear it?

So to me, relying on the math and avoiding voodoo and superstition is the same thing as trusting in God. If I'm betting full-Kelly and I'm one of the unlucky 13%, that's the way it goes. I didn't complain about being born with a huge dick and I'm not going to complain about being on the ass end of variance at blackjack. Both are random.
I'm not so sure they're both random lol, especially the former. I think God knew I could never survive, morally speaking, if I were so endowed, so he mercifully didn't give me anything to brag about! I pretty much agree that it is our job to follow the logic, the science if you will, of card counting, or we will quickly find ourselves outside the will of God, who does not reward stupidity last I heard. Although there is an adage in the pool room that He does protect babies and drunks.


Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
To address your first point, any bankroll can feel affects of luck, as most do. As you know E.V is an average of what is expected. Usually results will be higher or lower per session of expectation. If you want that can be called luck, or standard deviation. Regardless of how far from the mean results may fall short term they can always be measured in terms of S.D. As you progress into longer terms as far as playing, as long as you are playing as a skilled AP, highs and lows while still a factor become just jogs in the graph. Meaning luck will always be immediately evident in each session, but the sum of your playing will revert to the mean regardless of how bad or good you feel at any given session.
thank you for your view of luck and standard deviation and for your view of effects of luck on ones position be it early on, mid-term or in latter stages. i believe one point that should be further addressed is ROR and the actual realization of ruin or degrees of ruin or profit. point being things don't always work out result-wise with respect to how E.V. and it's standard deviation map out on the bell curve.
your expected value and the fluctuation of your expected value may map out just fine on the bell curve while your bankroll drops to zero. i'm confident a serious professional would have a contingency plan for that event (ie. more money waiting in the wings or better advantages to be exploited). the expectation of ruin or some degree of ruin may also be framed in a bell curve i suppose. again matters of expectation of ruin and standard deviation i suppose. so i guess there is luck in terms of expected value and in terms of risk of ruin if one wants to associate luck and standard deviation. in truth i'm speaking supposititions on my part with regard to these maths. it just seems logical to me but maybe i'm off base. maybe one can just look at the bell curve of expected value and determine ROR directly from that? :confused:
then i know one can fit ones results to the bell curve as well and see how it stacks up against the models of expected value and risk of ruin.
well regardless of my error in interpretation of how the maths could be graphed i'd just say that just from a conceptial stand point one might reckon some luck or standard deviation into the aspect of risk of ruin. i mean essentially if one meets ruin isn't it because standard deviation has overwhelmed ones bankroll?
i know this to be the case if for no other reason than my demise in sagethepoisonousfrog*vs*jacktheghostriderjackson, the contest in which i played in the most respectable AP fashion according to the game plan (known simulation with known EV and ROR) that even you might expect of one of your team members.:) lol.
point being if everything i've just said is wrong :eek: then still ROR is a fact and can be realized regardless how rosey the EV picture is.
another point i just have to say with regards to that contest and how it went down for me, is that for me even just playing the contest at no cost on my computer it was virtually intolerable to play like a perfect robot (but i did it) and seeing how down hill things were going. i simply just would not do that in real life. i'd at least try and do something off of that robotic game plan to try and turn things around.:p
However, this only stands true for those that play at a consistent level. If you vary your play to where you are sometimes an AP, sometimes a progression player, or sometimes a hunch or gut player, you will lose the ability to excuse luck as standard deviation, and now depend on it for your results. In this case good luck is untrackable and bad luck inevitable. Afterall the odds are against you in any casino game, which will limit what is referred to as good luck to any who play the game on a regular basis.
yes the odds are against us in any casino game, the probabilities of how the odds are realized may be skewed. like you may be able to realize a high percent of samples of events where your results beat the casinos expectation and a low percent of samples of events where the casino beats you to the extent that your total results meet the casino's expected advantage. sadly that low percent of samples has you losing money at a vastly higher amount than the sum of those high percent of samples where you did realize some profit. and so it is like you say that those sort of results couldn't be considered the same as the expectations and standard deviation of an AP toeing the line. this case the player has a negative expected value and in the long run 100% ROR.
an AP observing such a player could in a sense relegate that players results as a function of luck even though the player does have some negative expectation and the prospect of long term ruin.
the player reckless as he may be could hold his results up against the known expected value of the AP and gauge where he is with respect to where he would have been had he played correctly. should the reckless player have 'luck' and also have the capability to play as an AP he's then in a position to choose to use that 'luck' to his advantage if he should so choose or he could recklessly go looking for some more 'luck'.

As far as your second point, you are right that the results of luck vs skill may be indechipherable to an outside observer. But that only stands true for small sample sizes. Given lifetime playing records of AP's vs straight gamblers, you will see the difference and could determine luck from skill. There are always exceptions, but that is exactly that, not the rule.
no argument with the AP's vs straight gamblers point.
an AP who gambles and gauges his gamble against the expectation of a perfect AP need not suffer the same transparency of results in the short run.
additionally in essence his short term results should just add to long term results just as an AP's would.
watching his bottom line and switching his mode of play could result in long term similar results albeit the pure AP would i should expect come out ahead as it would seem that when the gambling AP runs into the negative results of his gambling he'd have that to make up as well as the negative results he'd incurr playing correctly as an AP whereas the pure AP only has to make up his negative AP results.

The problem I have seen with a lot of fledgling AP's is inconsistency in how they play the game resulting in more of a luck graph as opposed to a skilled one. Thats why so many push luck as an ingredient in being a winner. When you are skilled and play with an advantage luck is an expectation that whether good or bad shouldn't shock or surprise you. Sure losing sucks and winning is great, we all feel that to a degree. But if advantage play is fully grasped then you get that what happened today only matters for an instant and we shouldn't live or die with the emotion of it.
intellectually i can understand that. emotionally i guess i'm just an old dog that can't be taught new tricks. but this old dog can trick himself and slip in some AP stuff to the point where he's happy and surviving. lol.
imagine if you will a fiftyfive year old guy who never really gambled in any fashion that then starts gambling and then attempts to employ advantage play for a period of three years. :rolleyes:

You wouldn't believe what I've lost in one day, nor would you believe what I have won. The fact is when the smoke clears, as long as I have chosen my games well and have played with skill it all trends towards the positive. Anybody can beat this game on a lucky day, but in blackjack, luck won't pay the bills
as i usually end up saying when ever i have the pleasure of corresponding with you i gotta say again hats off to you. and it just should be said also that your stead fast holding to the proper way of doing things is not only repsected but the information related is appreciated. it can't be said enough that due respect is put forth and i apologize if i seem argumentative in any way.


Well-Known Member
automonk's braggin rights & so much cooler online ideology

Originally Posted by Automatic Monkey
Yes, luck exists in casinos. We see it as standard deviation and variance, but maybe it's part of God's plan. But being we can't see God's plan, we're stuck relying on the math. And if losing your money is God's plan, why would you fear it?

So to me, relying on the math and avoiding voodoo and superstition is the same thing as trusting in God. If I'm betting full-Kelly and I'm one of the unlucky 13%, that's the way it goes. I didn't complain about being born with a huge dick and I'm not going to complain about being on the ass end of variance at blackjack. Both are random.
so i take it since lucks only 'maybe' part of God's plan that the idea isn't to first rely on the luck, deferring to the math first, while trusting that if luck is part of God's plan things will work out, however He planned it.
well anyway now at least i might know why i'm such a whinner when it comes to variance.:cry::whip:
aslan said:
I'm not so sure they're both random lol, especially the former. I think God knew I could never survive, morally speaking, if I were so endowed, so he mercifully didn't give me anything to brag about! I pretty much agree that it is our job to follow the logic, the science if you will, of card counting, or we will quickly find ourselves outside the will of God, who does not reward stupidity last I heard. Although there is an adage in the pool room that He does protect babies and drunks.
i'll second the math, logic and science of card counting as long as i can have something to say about it. :cat:


Well-Known Member
voodoo is part of reality

shifting gears on luck

I would like to add a little to your thread on luck. I have in the past just been a machine in regards to playing. I have started to rethink and play a different game since. When the cards are going my way I bet and play 100% the way I'm suppose to. Then when the cards are not there and I do mean not there I get up and leave. This contrary to normal play but I have had loser sessions that seem to never end. I know luck plays a part in the game regardless of what is said. blackchipjim
if the cards are going your way and you bet and play 100% that means to me you are winning and your playing AP. you know the count and happen to be winning. all is well.
if you leave when the cards are not there that just means to me the count has tanked so you leave. essentially thats wonging out. a known good thing to do.
the same thing could be done if you didn't even know the count or didn't even bet some proper bet spread if you were lucky and if you knew how much money a perfect AP would make in some time frame or number of hands for that particular game. that as well could be construed as cards going your way.
and like you say you have additional knowledge of AP play, that being that the AP can continue to play and lose all that gain. and you know that this can happen regardless of the nature of the count ie. positive or negative.
and you also know that for a six or eight deck crap game that circa 70% of the time walking away is the right thing to do because you know the count is going to be zero or negative that percentage of the time. (true you don't know the order that the circa 30% time to stay and play is going to present). point being how ever that walking away with money in your pocket with respect to the percentage of times that wonging out would be the correct action are likely by luck to turn out to be one and the same. this is not to mention those times when staying in a positive count you experience negative fluctuation and lose all that you've won.
either scenerio when you walk away with money in your pocket you are a winner. it's true that you could win so much more and playing more hands at an advantage you should win more. it's also true that, that is a risk that you can choose to expose your self to or not.
blackchipjim said:
This thread is in the right place and discussed in the correct light. The poeple are not suggesting that it has any real place in the ap community. Sagefrog and myself are well aware of correct play and betting indices that it takes to be a winner in the long run. He started this thread and I added to it precisely how I felt the thread dictated. I don't hijack people threads nor do I smash them for reasons some people do. I don't have to prove how smart I am to anyone here or anywhere else. Sage brought up a theory and that is just that nothing else. I respect others on this forum and thier views and even though I might not agree with them if it appears here it is just conjucture. blackchipjim:grin:
i think so as well. it's like everyone who has posted in this thread has at least a fair degree of understanding with respect to AP fundamentals.
i guess the question in this thread has more to do with the question of what is luck and what can you do with it. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
reply to luck

I have battled alot with luck in the past and have resigned to accept the enevitable. I have sat at the seat that didn't get a single playable hand with a count and lost my butt. Alot of aps will define this as the what? I just call it **** luck to be in the only seat that's getting poor hands regardless of the count. An ap who says things that are taboo to some aps are ridiculed to the ninth degree. To discuuss the term luck and counting in the same breath is a prime example. blackchipjim