Merry Christmas, and have a great 2006!


Staff member
I want to wish the merriest of holidays to all of you who have given this message board a healthy kick-start.

Starting a new message board is a precarious business. In fact, most message boards start by having a group of friends posting fabricated messages to generate interest. Visitors aren't interested until there are posts, and without visitors there are no posts. I'm very pleased to note that this board somehow got off the ground without any of that.

Although BlackjackInfo has been around since 1996, the message board here is still in its infancy, having started in April 2005. Thanks for being a part of the process as we took our first baby steps.

2006 is gonna be great!


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas,Ken and the bunch

Thanks for this site and its links. I've only been here two months but I certainly have both enjoyed and learned from the members here.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.


Thanks Ken!

Thank you to Ken and everyone else who has answered my silly newbie questions...(especially Joep) Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Active Member
Hey Shelly I dont think they are silly.I asked the same questions when I first came upon the scene.