Minor problem in strategy trainer


New Member
I think the strategy trainer on this page is I wonderful tool. I have used it a lot to train an analyze BlackJack. Thanks for that.

But I have found I minor bug. This has happened more than once. It starts with that I get two cards valued ten, like:

Hand 1: Queen, Queen

I split this hand (I know I shouldn't). I gets a king on hand 1, and a new queen on hand 2:

Hand 1: Queen, King
Hand 2: Queen, Queen

Now I split hand 2, and got an ace:

Hand 1: Queen, King
Hand 2: Queen, Ace
Hand 3: Queen

Now hand 2 is "active" (hand 1 and hand 3 is grayed) despite I have 21. There is only one button to click on, "Double". When I click on this I gets two new cards on hand 3.

Except from this strange behavior it seems to play very well.
Another bug I have found (along the lines of the previous post) is that the strategy trainer does not allow you to resplit aces. Example: Draw a pair of aces- split them- draw another ace on the first hand, and it will not let you resplit that pair to make 3 hands. It will only let you play the 2 hands.
I resplit aces at Foxwoods in Connecticut 2 weeks ago. If the rule there is no resplitting of aces, the dealer I played at allowed it. Does anyone know the rule at Foxwoods, or was this a dealer mistake to let me resplit the aces?
Incidentally, this same dealer (who was constantly chatting with the players instead of paying attention to the game ), on one hand mistakenly dealt himself both cards face up, and he didn't even realize it until I told him what he had done. He was quite embarrassed, (he said it was the first time it ever happened to him). He had to call the pit boss over, because he didn't know what to do. The pit boss just said to play it, and told the players "you don't get an advantage like this too often". So if the guy could do this, (as well as occasionally miscounting the player's totals), it makes me wonder about the resplitting aces question.
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Well-Known Member
I just like semi-circles said:
I resplit aces at Foxwoods in Connecticut 2 weeks ago. If the rule there is no resplitting of aces, the dealer I played at allowed it. Does anyone know the rule at Foxwoods, or was this a dealer mistake to let me resplit the aces?
In my experience it's tied to whether or not they hit S17. If they stand then no splitting of Aces after the first split. If they hit then Aces can be split up to the split limit for any cards.


resplitting aces

In Tunica, all casinos hit S17. The Horseshoe allows resplitting Aces as many as you get. Sam's Town has no resplitting. I think the Grand and Gold Strike allow resplitting like the Horseshoe. Don't know for sure because I don't play there much and have never got a 3rd Ace. However I play the Horseshoe regularly and have received a 3rd and 4th Ace many times and have always resplit them.