New player


Well-Known Member
for instance my 2 stores are $15 minimums which would be my betting unit. Obviously I cannot play untill my bankroll is large enough to bet those units.
Technically you COULD play with even a $1500 bankroll, if you back counted until say TC 2 and then flat bet $15 at TC 2 or higher. But this approach would not make you a lot of money and would be pretty silly. Actually it wouldn't be a terrible idea maybe while you are still learning. But my point is that if you wong aggressively enough you can make table minimums somewhat irrelevant. And the more important question is "how much do I want to bet", which is a function of your advantage and your bankroll.


Active Member
It is possible to wong with table minimum and they probably won't care. They'll know what you're up to though, so longevity there may become an issue when you're ready to play-all or kick it up a gear. I'd advise against it if you plan to frequent this store. A white rabbit approach would look more natural and draw less attention.

I don't know where you're at financially, but if your bankroll is easily replenishable, it is possible to play with a greater RoR than you'd normally wish to accept. For instance, lets say you're able to build your BR by 1,000$ every month. If you take that 1,000$ and decide you'll play with it for an hour or until you lose it all, whichever comes first, you'd get get in some table time and build your BR a little in the process. With this approach, wong out if the count tanks. If you're adding less than 785$, you may want to wait until you reach that amount to play. When I plug in a 1:4 spread, wonging out at TC -1 (hi-lo), 75% pen on a 6D shoe, H17 DAS RSA, I get a standard deviation for 100 hands of 261.87. Having enough on you to cover at least three standard deviations is important. There are few things in life more frustrating than having to walk away from a positive shoe because you ran out of cash.

Stepping foot in a casino before you've corrected your mistakes is up to you. I flat bet table minimum while practicing counting in a casino for quite a while. My local store had 5$ minimum though, so I felt it was fairly cheap. Going in and flat betting for maybe 30 minutes would be beneficial since you've never done it before. You'll have a better idea of what to expect and where you stand. Counting before your mistakes are minimal can be expensive. You'll know when you feel ready. Until then, practice practice practice.
If you decide to go into the casino to practice. Consider it a sort of tuition cost to learn how the game flows. Practicing on software in the comfort of your home and playing in a loud smoky casino are two different things. Focus on PERFECT basic strategy, you should be able to be a machine at the table. You see your hand and the dealers up card. You automatically know what to do instantly. BS needs to be down cold because you probably will add index plays that are dependent on the count. Cannot afford to be having issues with BS and try to make playing departures.

You can practice BS at home but the casino will get you lots of insight into how the game flows, how good you can see the cards, how easily the discards are seen, attitudes of the critters in pit etc.... If you decide to do this, find the most packed table and bet table min. The game will be very slow and the negative EV generated will be quite small....