newb help


New Member
Hi All,

Very first post so dont be to hard on me (",)..

Ok so I understand the basics of HI-LO counting and read the "21" book way before it was a film, in fact it wasn't even called 21 as far as i remember.... ( ah just remembered "Bringing down the house" ). Anyway I remember teaching myself HI-LO from that book and getting a bit excited about the prospect of have even a small edge on the casino's but then when i started visiting them i noticed they were dealing 8 deck shoes with on 50% penetration etc.. this led to me forgetting about even trying to count.

So my question is, before i start trawling through this and many other sites to learn as much as possible is there a point? Are there strategy's that work against the way shoes are dealt these days? ( if so can anyone point me in the right direction )

Are all the posts i'm reading about casino's still dealing 90-95% of a shoe? I live in ireland and i dont think i've ever seen that.

And lastly is it possible to count on live online blackjack? it seems a safer option when counting to me..

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
8 deck w/ 50% pen would be very hard to beat indeed. Almost as hard as beating an online casino.


New Member
Meistro said:
8 deck w/ 50% pen would be very hard to beat indeed. Almost as hard as beating an online casino.
But are there people on this site who have found more favourable tables?

what percentage is the norm etc.. ( oh and what games should i be on the lookout for, all i know is that 8 deck shoes are normally a bad sign )

Are there any new ideas/ strategy's for games like the above as i think a lot of casino'd do it to try stop counters..


Well-Known Member
you could back count and wong out. the thing is just by the time the count is starting to get worth while... 'shuffle!'


New Member
daniel27 said:
newb99 is from england ask him for the penetration and games , about the online u cant beat them
thanks man,

I know you can't beat the rng but is the live "real dealer" games not very similar to bricks and mortar?