I've seen many different posts about oklahoma indian casinos and the state mandatory 50 cent ante. I thought I'd share some of my findings about area Oklahoma casinos.
(I began working in casinos when I turned 18 and worked in gaming until i was 23, and I've had the luxory of meeting many casino managers, pit bosses, dealers, etc, most of whom still work in the gaming industry. If you've ever read Lawrence's chapter regarding bosses and dealers, hes almost 100% correct. Most casino personell do not know a card counter from their arses. Survellience teams are often asked to rewatch tape of blackjack players and are told to rank recurring players based on their play and performance. However as you can imagine, this is a tiresome,boring gruesome job, and most surveillence ppl will often cheat their way through reports.)
They offer excellent penetration, the ante is 25 cent as opposed to the typical 50 cent. Rules are decent, except the dealer hits soft 17. Dealers and bosses aren't too bright. They offer bonus hands for suited blackjacks...Ace-Jack spades, trips 7's, and trips 7's suited. I've found the bonus hands help in recouping the low antes.
Decent penetration, 50 cent ante, dealer hits soft 17...however they offer surrender which comes in handy for 16 and 15 when the count is high. Also here, the staff isn't highly trained at spotting counters. There are two dealers on staff and a manager all whom know i count, but look out for me when I play.
All chickasaw gaming enterprises
(Newcastle, Winstar, Goldsby, casinos in Durant, Ada, Davis and a few others)
Good standard rules, Split up to 4 times, 50 cent ante, dealer stands on all 17's double after splits. They offer bonus hands during slow periods which pay pretty well. I would recommend playing only during these times. The staff at these casinos are much more professional and keep a much closer eye on players. Also at some of these casinos, they use CSM's.
I would avoid, antes, which increase to 1.00 for hands over 100. bad penetration. (and i dont know any people who work at these places)
I've spoken to many different people about the ante, and its apparently a big concern for many players. Up until recently blackjack was illegal in Oklahoma and Oklahoma is working on becoming a full fledged Class III gaming state. Oklahoma has just introduced powerball and scratch off lottery. It's bad for players right now. However, I do feel within time, the antes will be done away with.
(I began working in casinos when I turned 18 and worked in gaming until i was 23, and I've had the luxory of meeting many casino managers, pit bosses, dealers, etc, most of whom still work in the gaming industry. If you've ever read Lawrence's chapter regarding bosses and dealers, hes almost 100% correct. Most casino personell do not know a card counter from their arses. Survellience teams are often asked to rewatch tape of blackjack players and are told to rank recurring players based on their play and performance. However as you can imagine, this is a tiresome,boring gruesome job, and most surveillence ppl will often cheat their way through reports.)
They offer excellent penetration, the ante is 25 cent as opposed to the typical 50 cent. Rules are decent, except the dealer hits soft 17. Dealers and bosses aren't too bright. They offer bonus hands for suited blackjacks...Ace-Jack spades, trips 7's, and trips 7's suited. I've found the bonus hands help in recouping the low antes.
Decent penetration, 50 cent ante, dealer hits soft 17...however they offer surrender which comes in handy for 16 and 15 when the count is high. Also here, the staff isn't highly trained at spotting counters. There are two dealers on staff and a manager all whom know i count, but look out for me when I play.
All chickasaw gaming enterprises
(Newcastle, Winstar, Goldsby, casinos in Durant, Ada, Davis and a few others)
Good standard rules, Split up to 4 times, 50 cent ante, dealer stands on all 17's double after splits. They offer bonus hands during slow periods which pay pretty well. I would recommend playing only during these times. The staff at these casinos are much more professional and keep a much closer eye on players. Also at some of these casinos, they use CSM's.
I would avoid, antes, which increase to 1.00 for hands over 100. bad penetration. (and i dont know any people who work at these places)
I've spoken to many different people about the ante, and its apparently a big concern for many players. Up until recently blackjack was illegal in Oklahoma and Oklahoma is working on becoming a full fledged Class III gaming state. Oklahoma has just introduced powerball and scratch off lottery. It's bad for players right now. However, I do feel within time, the antes will be done away with.