Previous chat room software


Staff member
OK, I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy these days about spending time and money on the site since I seem to just get trashed by a few members for doing my job.

But, if you guys really want the old chat software back, here's my deal.
The license for one year of the old software is $125.

Send your contributions via PayPal to me at kensmith @
(remove the spaces of course)

Once we get to $125, I'll buy the Professional Plus license at
That's the version that integrates automatically with vBulletin.
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Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
OK, I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy these days about spending time and money on the site since I seem to just get trashed by a few members for doing my job.

Don't let the vocal minority get you down. Everyone here greatly appreciates the work you do! :celebrate:


I like a lot of the new features. I was waiting patiently for the kinks to get worked out. You should do a poll. I know this is not a democracy but if it is only a very vocal minority that wants to regress, it would be a shame for you to have to knuckle under to them.

KenSmith said:
OK, I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy these days about spending time and money on the site since I seem to just get trashed by a few members for doing my job.

But, if you guys really want the old chat software back, here's my deal.
The license for one year of the old software is $125.

Send your contributions via PayPal to me at kensmith @
(remove the spaces of course)

Once we get to $125, I'll buy the Professional Plus license at
That's the version that integrates automatically with vBulletin.
Maybe what really needs to be done is for you to chat with us, Ken, about your future with the site, BJ info, and what you want to do and what you are feeling. Maybe the site has become to much work with too little reward. The recent events on the site have been very serious and no doubt have rocked the site, and have hurt it. Mistakes have been made, and they have been made all around. The main thing is have we all learned from them and do we have the energy left to pick ourselves up, dust off and try again,,,maybe so,,,but maybe not.

I for one, have always felt bad that there has been no paid site here like GC, but far more secure and exclusive. I felt bad that you were not receiving money from such a page, just from the advertising, and I have no idea what you are getting out of that as well as book sales,,,is that enough to hold your interest?

As to the Chat, I liked the old format fine, had some great guest's, good times. I also found myself spending way too much time there and had to cut way back, it was impeding my other work. Hated the new format.



creeping panther said:
Maybe what really needs to be done is for you to chat with us, Ken, about your future with the site, BJ info, and what you want to do and what you are feeling. Maybe the site has become to much work with too little reward. The recent events on the site have been very serious and no doubt have rocked the site, and have hurt it. Mistakes have been made, and they have been made all around. The main thing is have we all learned from them and do we have the energy left to pick ourselves up, dust off and try again,,,maybe so,,,but maybe not.

I for one, have always felt bad that there has been no paid site here like GC, but far more secure and exclusive. I felt bad that you were not receiving money from such a page, just from the advertising, and I have no idea what you are getting out of that as well as book sales,,,is that enough to hold your interest?

I have noticed more advertising than before. The site is probably getting more hits from the recent drama. That should mean more profit. The site wasn't hurt just some feelings were temporarily aroused. People reexamined their life and live more for the moment. People who hold onto this kind of stuff cause their own misery and misery to others. Life is too short for that kind of self imposed negative EV.

I really appreciate the fact that Ken makes his profit from advertisers and not his members!


Staff member
tthree said:
I have noticed more advertising than before. The site is probably getting more hits from the recent drama. That should mean more profit.
Actually the recent drama is more likely to reduce long-term traffic, not the other way around. But whatever.

Enough about that.

I see that AddonChat now offers an additional mobile device option for an extra $35.
Based on the poll responses so far (9 for the old version and 3 for the new), it looks like I should buy another year of the old software and ante up for the mobile option as well.


Well-Known Member
The mobile option would be very awesome, I usually end up posting on the forums from my blackberry, but find that I cannot chat in the chat room.


Well-Known Member
I'm in! I just signed up for Paypal for the first time in several years and I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at. I entered your email address, my card #, and $20, but my transaction history is empty. If it didn't go through, I'll try again in a couple of days. Let me know if you see something on your end...not quite sure what it's supposed to say to be honest.


Staff member
The one thing I hate to lose by switching back is the IM feature that the new version has.

Here's what I'm considering. Leave the chatbar at the bottom only for instant messaging direct to another user. Disable the Chatroom section and replace it with a link to the old version.

IMs via the new version and chatroom via the old version (plus the mobile device feature).
I'll plan on implementing that in the next few days.

Don't sweat the PayPal. I wouldn't make it as a panhandler. :)


Glad to keep the IM feature

Thanks Ken. I like the IM feature. If you could figure out how to stop it from needing to be refreshed to maintain the link it would be perfect.


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
The one thing I hate to lose by switching back is the IM feature that the new version has.

Here's what I'm considering. Leave the chatbar at the bottom only for instant messaging direct to another user. Disable the Chatroom section and replace it with a link to the old version.

IMs via the new version and chatroom via the old version (plus the mobile device feature).
I'll plan on implementing that in the next few days.

Don't sweat the PayPal. I wouldn't make it as a panhandler. :)
This sounds excellent!


Staff member
The chat room software has been updated as per recent discussions.

Look at the top navigation bar for a link to the chat room.
Another link to the chat room is available in the bottom bar at the far left.

Mobile users can now use the chat room as well.

In the bottom bar on the right we still have Instant Messaging available.

Despite my recent post to the contrary, I am not looking for any PayPal contributions for these software licenses. I just did what I have always done, and paid for them out of pocket. If you want to pay me back for this, just play nice and make my job easy. Between the old software and the new software combined, the one year license fees comes to $285. That should buy some civility, right? :)


Well-Known Member
Awesome! But I'm still gonna contribute one way or another...Can someone help me with Paypal? I signed up, gave them my credit card number, confirmed my email, etc. etc. etc., but I still can't figure out how to send money! It keeps saying I need to add money to my account, but I just want to use my credit card. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

If this doesn't work, you've got the store on this site that processes credit cards. Any chance of just adding a donate option there?


Staff member
Nynefingers said:
Awesome! But I'm still gonna contribute one way or another...Can someone help me with Paypal? I signed up, gave them my credit card number, confirmed my email, etc. etc. etc., but I still can't figure out how to send money! It keeps saying I need to add money to my account, but I just want to use my credit card. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

If this doesn't work, you've got the store on this site that processes credit cards. Any chance of just adding a donate option there?
It might work if I send an invoice to you instead. Please PM me your PayPal email address and an amount and I'll give it a try.