Let me start off by saying I am new to card counting techniques, and Renzey's "Blackjack Bluebook ll" is the first blackjack book I have read. After reading the Ace-10 front count section, I decided that would be the technique i would first implement. I was playing $5 minimum, walking away with a count above 43, increasing to $15 on a count of 37 or 40. With a count of 35 or lower, I had a $20 bet, and with a count lower then 30, i had planned on a $25 or $30 dollar bet, but never reached a count that low. In the first week, I diligently front counted each shoe, and the results were great! in 4 or 5 trips to the local casino, I was up $555, with a big win on a 34 count of $255 in only ONE round! I have never done anything like this in Blackjack, and I plan on keeping to BS with advanced plays and front counting the Ace's and 10's for quite awhile! I do plan on advancing up to the KISS count level l (also in the book) after my wins even out a bit. Has anyone ever used this simple count successfully? It's working, and I feel like many beginners could benefit from it as a 'starter count' before moving on to more complex counting!
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