Right to the Heart of the Matter Part 2

Hallo and Good Morning Suicyco Maniac and everyone!

It is a Gorgeous Morning in Middle America! Coffee is Brewing, it is time to try to attack your Question.

Suicyco Maniac asked:
(What would you say is the first thing that tips you off to most counters? SM)

What I posted last night...

My first thought is that it is a Combination of Multiple Questions! Is that actually English? "A Combination of Multiple Questions." Ah well, I was never an English Major.

What I mean to say is the first alarm is not always an individual item. That is not to say that there aren't some quick alarms.

Now that I have caught up with the Sandman as well as Myself. ;O) A Combination of Multiple Questions Still does not sound like English! At any rate...

Cover your eyes Mr. Mayor for a moment. I think that from my end of the Pit catching counters is as much an Art as a Science.

A Loud Sigh comes from the Board. "This Guy is just another Nut-Job who doesn't even understand what Advantage Play is!"

Please give me a moment to explain everyone. I will try to avoid this being a Voodoo Post.

I do not mean to say that Counting is not specific and that there aren't specific items to this endeavor. We have some wonderful Extremely Anal people in the Surveillance Dept. who help me by accurately watching and quickly charting whatever I ask for. Their job is strictly Science.

The call comes down:

"Dealer 3 on Table 6 did not match his Toke at 11:47 chip for chip pursuant to Policy #34-B section 24 of page 36 in Blah...Blah..."

" Yes, Thank You, I did know. I have been waiting for a fill of Silver for 30 Minutes. She is trying to conserve to be able to keep the Game going."

"There is no policy to do that OnePitCritter I will have to write this in your Daily Log."

"Yes, I know, My Daily Log. Thank You."

Get the picture? Wonderful people, completely devoid of any passion and completely needed. Policy driven. And only Policy Driven.

My call up:

"I need a player rating... Pit 1-Table 6 -7th Position. (Don't say Anchor or Third base by the way they will be lost or give you info on the wrong player.) Tee Hee I have a funny story about that happening. Maybe Later.
15 minutes later they give me a wealth of info.

" But why do I make the call up?" You Nearly Scream. Okay, enough fun for me. If I could be so Bold...

Your Post is why Dear.

Your Question is why.

In a really (to me anyway) funny story about Helga with many of my favorite Plot twists including death, You got right to the Heart of the Matter. I watch for that. Not a single post about funny, stupid, Wow, OnePitCritter are you a CrackPot. ;O)

I work with some amazing people. Smart, Funny, Oh my God can they be Funny. I also have many different personalities of employees. It is bizarre to me that "most" card counters cannot see the fun in gaming? If we cannot, If the game cannot, help you have a "Good time or just as important a Bad time" something is up.


Business is what is up.

They say that something like 75% of people dislike their jobs. I think that is because it is just about money. You and I both got into the "Casino Business" to avoid any real work. At one time you were a Ploppy just enjoying the "Fun."

"So, proper Cover is the Key." You think correct? Close, but generally not exactly possible for "most counters." I wish I could cover all of this in one post but I am afraid it is not possible.

My hope here is to... I am not sure... Try to develop a rapport with a community that is...

I am sorry, work calls everyone. I hope it is a wonderful day for all.



P.S. You missed the point of Helga. I caught her because her speech patterns were different with me than with my Dealers and the other players. Now do you see... Art not Science?

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
My question(s)...

Thanks for your great posts, OPC. The method you are describing goes under the heading "JDFR" (just doesn't feel right) -- which is the basic way security and survelliance should proceed. It is not ploppy voodoo applied to catching counters, it is the observation that the crowds usually behave in a set pattern, and anything outside the norm should be looked at more carefully.

There are a bunch of us that are beating the pants off of you in ways that you will never know (and we will never say here). We have been doing this for years. These are legal methods, and are being done right in front of you. It has been my experience that if it looks like counting, I get heat, but for these other methods, I get comps.

My question is, to what extent are you aware that this is going on, but don't know who to look for or how it is coming down? And, what more advanced methods have you come accross and dealt with? How do you look for those methods? Does your management just not believe these things happen, or does your management have too much ego to admit you are getting creamed sometimes?

There was a dealer that got very angry at me about half-a-year ago. He said "I don't know what you're doing or how you're doing it, but I don't like what's going on here." He came the closest.

Again, I am NOT talking about cheating.

Your writing is great, and your answers are right on target and fun to read. You are a very welcome guest and we look forward to what you have to share.


Hallo again everyone,

Mr. Mayor writes:

(My question is, to what extent are you aware that this is going on, but don't know who to look for or how it is coming down? And, what more advanced methods have you come accross and dealt with? How do you look for those methods? Does your management just not believe these things happen, or does your management have too much ego to admit you are getting creamed sometimes? )

I am so pleased to find a place to discuss these topics.

I must be honest here. I am unprepared to cover these quickly and succintly. I was just going to write some of my favorite funny Casino stories. It really is just a game to me. Our relationship between Advantage players and Pit personale I mean.

Not that I am unwilling to try to be up to the task. I just think that I will need some time to process and formulate. I assure you I will try.

Thank you Mayor and everyone else for the challenge. I hope this will be fun as well as informative for both of us.

Sincerely Challenged, ;O)



Well-Known Member
Psychological Counselling Available at CC.com....

OPC....did you know that the Mayor is trained in Psychology, M.S. I believe, or is it pH.D.?

Anyhow, got a "BJB", i.e., Black-jack Boner, when I read your first post.

Have went "flaccid" reading the rest.

Several posters have asked simple and directed questions as regarding PC vs. AP's. Your response(s) have been both diversionary and self-centered.


The Mayor et.al. could help you with your problems!....providing said of course that same is given with understanding that advice is of a "general educational" nature, and not meant to be OPC-specific therapy (otherwise, major licensure/malpractice/etc. issues ensue). I often use CC.com to receive therapy, i.e., "Theraputic Writing", wherein I post my own life successes and failures, then sit back and watch 1/2 of all respondents not even read the Post before responding, 1/4th to offer advice/support, and the other 1/4th...TO


Anyhow, IMHO:

1. You HATE your job! You bust your Butt, rarely get thanked for same, but almost ALWAYS get SPANKED when things do not go right.

2. You LOVE your job! Friends, family, and Hell, even CC's respect your SUIT! You have POWER to GRANT Wishes...and the POWER to END same!

3. You have a LOVE/HATE relationship with CC's...CC's SCREW your EVIL employer (LOVE)...CC's SCREW YOU (HATE)...and either you are or are trying to become a CC...will you LOVE yourself...or HATE?

4. Helga?...Thanks for sharing. Obviously important to you. Did Helga Screw You?....It is apparent that Helga is a "Mother-Figure"...are you from Arkansas?
Revisit your relationship with your own Mother!

Otherwise, welcome to CC.com, i.e. "CRITTER COUNSELLING.com".



The Mayor

Well-Known Member

Although I think CritterCounseling.Com is great, you are going to have the honors. I don't have a degree in Psych (but my wife does).

Remember to blame it on his mother! :cool:

I too feel the tease of OPC's responses, but would rather be encouraging than harsh. After all, how many of his kind even get this far?

Re: Phantoom007

Hallo Phantom007, Mr. Mayor, and everyone,

Phantom007 writes:

Anyhow, IMHO:
1. You HATE your job! You bust your Butt, rarely get thanked for same, but almost ALWAYS get SPANKED when things do not go right.

2. You LOVE your job! Friends, family, and Hell, even CC's respect your SUIT! You have POWER to GRANT Wishes...and the POWER to END same!

3. You have a LOVE/HATE relationship with CC's...CC's SCREW your EVIL employer (LOVE)...CC's SCREW YOU (HATE)...and either you are or are trying to become a CC...will you LOVE yourself...or HATE?

4. Helga?...Thanks for sharing. Obviously important to you. Did Helga Screw You?....It is apparent that Helga is a "Mother-Figure"...are you from Arkansas?
Revisit your relationship with your own Mother!
Otherwise, welcome to CC.com, i.e. "CRITTER COUNSELLING.com".

Oh My God! I am Laughing my assets off. ;O) I hope that was as tongue in cheek as my posts have been!

Let me try to answer your concerns one at a time.

1.) I thought I was very up front with my first post. I was going to write some of my favorite Funny to Me stories. I also reiterated that in my earlier response to the Mayor's Question(s) I do still hope there may be value? Maybe Not.

2.) Suicyco Maniac asked :

What tips you off to "most" card counters?

"Most" is what I felt was the key word. Maybe my two-part answer was too long and bizarre for some in this community. I thought my answer was right on the mark. Skip the story; Start at Business in part 2. As Mr. Mayor said JDFR (Just Doesn't Feel Right)

3.) I am sorry but I LOVE my job! I am a work-a-holic, bust my Butt, and if I may blow my own horn a moment, yet again, I am very good at it. Thanks is never as often as I like, but I am sure my staff doesn't get as much from me as they should. Also Sorry, I have not been SPANKED for any reason at work and things do go wrong sometimes.

4.) I do LOVE my job. I hope that my friends, family, employees, and Hell even CC's respect me not my clothing!

5.) I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with CC's. SCREWING MY EMPLOYER. Sorry no Evil Empire here. My Employer has always treated me with Honor & Respect. CC's SCREW ME? No, it is not my Money. Besides I love a challenge. At the very least it is nice to have some capable competition. Your community at large helps keep my job fun.;O)

6.) Helga, a real person. A real story. It was really fun.

7.) My Mother? Well, Dad did the disciplining growing up. I will ask them at lunch today about our relationship. ;O)

Sincerely LMAO,

A thought? For The Mayor

Hallo Mayor,

I absolutely love it! "Remember to Blame it on His Mother." :cool:

Rolling on the floor, Smiling all the way.

On the other hand I do not want to upset the Community Apple cart as it were. Is it possible to move my posts to the Non-BJ Board? Do you think that would be helpful?

I hope my posts both entertain and create some thought in your members. But my fun could be misread as...Whatever. I am sure they will not be fun for all. Would that be a better Forum?

I do promise to try to be as honest as is possible from my position. Just like you said there are members that have been beating the pants off of us for years. With Ideas that they would never post on a public Message Board. It is the same in my side of the battle. Sometimes I will just be unable, or unwilling, to answer.

Truely Funny anyway. ;O)



The Mayor

Well-Known Member
This thread belongs here

Thanks for the idea to move this to nonBJ, but it is BJ -- very strongly so. If you want to talk about politics or weird modern physics, go to nonBJ, for anything that has even an outside chance of being meaningful to the advantage player, this is the place.

You are right that we want to take from you and not give back to you. There is no way we would tell you anything that would help you in your job, on the other hand, you could tell us quite a lot.

What's in it for you? It is the right thing to do. We are playing by the rules the casinos set in place, not breaking any laws, acting respectfully (for the most part), and are willing to not fight when you ask us to leave. How much nicer could we be? All we ask is that you give us a great game and leave us alone. Is that too much to ask?

Again, read Cellini's material. He is singular, a great man; but you may have elements of his perspective in yourself.

Looking forward to it...



Well-Known Member
player wins 80k

The guy started with dbl deck $800 buy in, a young punk who
got on a streak(no such thing as a streak well he was winning

almost every hand didn't even know basic-they the pit and the upstairs crew
were surrounding the poor guy like he was doing soemthing wrong.
The guy then moves to csm still heat still more wins then
moves to sf212 more wins more heat.. It was quite a sight.
I was going to lecture him on leaving but he was giving me hell
saying how I will never make large unless you bet big the whole thing,
never surrender blah blah etc.
well friends say he gave it all back the next day.
Its just sad that the pit was so worried that someone was taking
them when any normal person would know in seconds that the guy didn't
know a thing at all.


Well-Known Member
Mayor and the egotistics.

Just as casino critters may be on an ego trip,just as the AP may be on a ego trip and "in just"--why must thee, embrocate they, of our own illusions that are perpetuated out of an act of deception!?..and the commencing of suggestions of-ahem''(to whom it may concern)seeking the unordinary balance of gambling. Look that up in your Funk n' Wagnel OPC!

Sorry for the rambling,but if anybody decodes me message they may get the point.

Good night and good day,

So, do you ever sit and play the game from the other side of the table? How much do you know about the game from our side? Do you count? If not, do you want to learn and do you want to play the game from the same side as us sometimes?


Active Member
Honor and Respect

"5.) I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with CC's. SCREWING MY EMPLOYER. Sorry no Evil Empire here. My Employer has always treated me with Honor & Respect. CC's SCREW ME? No, it is not my Money. Besides I love a challenge. At the very least it is nice to have some capable competition. Your community at large helps keep my job fun.;O)"

Perhaps your employer should treat CCs with respect and honor, as well. We play by YOUR rules, do not cheat, are not disruptive and generally, don't get greety. Oftentimes we lose...afterall, even the best players have negative flux.

In return we get "shuffled", "cheques play", stared down like we are a naked lady, and asked to leave because we happen to be knowledgeable and use our brains to play your game better than most.

On the other hand, if a ploppy don't know how to play, is loud and obnoxious or cussing out or throwing things at the dealer (as long as he's losing), or if they are wasted and throwing their money away, you will let them play for as long as they have a dollar left to put on the felt.

Maybe you get respect and honor from your employer, but it sure doesn't work that way for the player.

It is pure hypocracy, and even you should be able to understand that.
Jack & OPC

Posted By: Stealth Bomber

So, do you ever sit and play the game from the other side of the table? How much do you know about the game from our side? Do you count? If not, do you want to learn and do you want to play the game from the same side as us sometimes?

Sorry Stealth Bomber, 18 days late on a response. ;O)

Yes, I play often. At minimum once a week.

I know a lot from a Ploppy's standpoint, because I spent years as one. Sometimes when the variance and Jack Daniel's gets the better of me I am still one. I do not have the dicipline that The Mayor and many of the Pro's on this board have.

I do count. Basic HiLo with some excellent shuffle-tracking. At least I can shuffle-track alone. It is nearly impossible with Jack! But I do so enjoy time in the Casino with old Friends of my Father's! ;O)

I like HiLo because Jack and I can still play pretty well together.

I like the idea that the most basic system you can easily handle is the best for you. I realize HiLo is outdated but it has rarely if ever failed me alone. Not that I play that often alone. I like nice cocktails that bring me nice drinks.

