Sleight going pro


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I was going to delay this until a bit into my career, but recent events makes me feel more comfortable announcing it sooner, but as the name implies, I have packed up my bags and moved to Vegas to pursue a gambling career.

At first, I was primarily CCing, just figuring out my surroundings and strategy on minimizing exposure and games that I should play. I found a few HC games along the way, which was a lot more fun and relaxed. However, things have been changing, and I have been playing a lot more poker. I have made a few friends along the way and I have been learning from one of the top players, who has been helping me with my game.

I will be updating again, including my gambling chart, as I have been doing in my 1 year anniversary post. If any of you guys are around Vegas, send me a pm, and perhaps we can meet :)
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Well-Known Member
Congrats on your decision, sleight. With the preperation that you put in, I know you will do well. I like how you have given yourself several avenues to pursue.


Well-Known Member
Dead Serious Business

Okay Sleight, so your gonna give it a shot.
Now i remember some chats here on this site with you over the last year or so.
Alcohol and business really dont mix to well. Do one or do the other , both at the same time doesn't work.
This isn't a lazy mans job. I know you know that, but .........................
Set goals, and go after them. Don't set goals to far out there. Be realistic.
Don't let the pressure get to you, and make you do dumb things.
Make sure you get enough sleep, you need good comfy sleeping accommodations.
If your feeling burned out, take a break for a few days. Things always look better after much needed breaks.
Organization is of the utmost importance. Notes are easy to keep in phones now days.
Don't ever let your guard down.................ever........ People watch you more than you know.!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you do well Buddy!!!!!!!!! Keep us informed with your progress...........



Well-Known Member
Sleight, I remember when you brand new to this site and pretty new to counting. Congrats on making it this far and I hope you tear up the tables in Vegas.


Well-Known Member
magic won,
here's hoping you make loads of money.......
just curious if you worked your chosen area of expertise from your university endeavors into the equation?


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
just curious if you worked your chosen area of expertise from your university endeavors into the equation?
I was wondering abut that too. My first impression of the original post was that it was like a single gal announcing, "I'm pregnant!" You don't know whether to offer congratulations, or condolences.

Regardless of all that, good luck to you, Sleight!