Starting multi decks w/ low count vs. division


I read somewhere that instead of dividing by the number of decks left in a multiple deck game, you could just start out at say, -4 with an 8 deck shoe. I've practiced this with the strategy engine. I haven't kept stats yet like I should've, but it has been working. If it does work over the long run this would help combat fatigue and would just be easier with one count instead of the running and the true counts. Maybe I'm just trying to find the lazy man's answer, I don't know. Does anyone know how much merit there is to this?
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New Member
Unbalanced Count

This idea then would defeat the purpose of a balanced counting system. Better off switching to an unbalanced (KO or Red Seven), which gives the so called pivot point and the indexes to vary from basic strategy.


Staff member
eonny is right. If you'd like to avoid the true count conversion, use an unbalanced count instead. You give up a little theoretical profit, but trade it for simplicity. Good choices are the KO count and the Red Seven count.


No conversion?

I found the value charts of the different systmems from seeC's link on a another post. Thanks seeC, it's very helpful. I just want to see if I understand this: If I use the Red 7 or the KO counting method in a multi deck game, I don't have to do a true count conversion? I must be misssing something. Please reply.
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Staff member
That is correct. With an unbalanced count, there's no need to do a true count conversion. It's a neat little trick, and quite effective.

I believe there is a fair amount of information available about KO at the author's website: (Archive copy)

The book is available here.


I will definatly reaearch the KO system some more. It just seems strange to me. The way I'm understanding it so far, this would be the case:

Heads up vs. dealer; I have 5,5,5,5 the dealer has 5,5,5,5 (I know this wouldn't really happen, I'd have doubled my 5's vs. the up 5). In the hi/lo this would be a +1 in the beggining of a multi. shoe. It would be a +8 in the KO system.
Even if I did double it would be +7 in KO and just about +1 in hi/lo.

Something seems wrong there.


Well-Known Member

For KO you need to know about the initial running count (IRC), the key count, and the pivot point. For 6-deck, for example:

The IRC is -20. This is where you start counting.

The key count is -4. This is where the shoe first starts being favorable, and where you should start increasing your bet.

The pivot point is +4. This is where you should have your max bet out.

I recommend reading the book, several times.