Surrender 17 vs A?

I've been practicing my BS using the Trainer on this site. I'm set to 6 decks, H17, DAS, Late Surrender. I have a 17 with the dealer showing an ace. I tried to stand, but the trainer said the correct play is surrender. Is this correct? I looked in my book, "The Color of Blackjack" and it says to stand on all 17-21, unless I'm reading it wrong.

Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Yes. In an H17 game you should surr 17 v A at a HiLo count less than 2. The dealer will likely question it, but it is correct.


Well-Known Member
This play will draw more ire from other players than any other play I think I've seen. Maybe even more than splitting tens. Players love the 17. They think they're safe with 17. As ihate17 would say, I hate 17.


Well-Known Member
it's very well accepted

except in vegas where most of the game are s17 and people aren't aware of BS difference between s17/h17..


Well-Known Member
Ploppies are blissfully unaware that the average dealer hand is > 18

One of the ways that a Pit Critter assesses just how bad a player is —

is by looking at the play of 18's, especially SOFT 18 (A-7) and a PAIR of NINES (9-9)


Well-Known Member
not sure about pit boss

but I do use s18/9-9 to judge the unknown player. Other plays are: 4-4Vs5/6

There are some non-APs who do play perfect BS but it is rare..

How do I learn all these variations? Is there a web site that shows which boxes on the charts change with each variation? It's very confusing. I'm having a hard time learning one.:confused:

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Blackjack Attack 3rd Edition and Professional Blackjack both have the H17 indices. You should start by learning the "Illustrious 18" (see the former text), and then keep adding on more from there. They're very easy to learn and hard to forget. Make sure you also learn surrender indices for 14-17 as well.