Our local casino does (and any in the province (Alberta)) can choose to offer surrender, but it is a little different.
The play of the game is such that all players receive two face up cards and the dealer one face up card. Before any further action you can choose to surrender against any dealer card other than an ace. Players complete their hands before the dealer receives an additional card.
After thinking about it, I believe this as a form of early surrender with the downside of no surrender against Ace.
I'm a BS player. Should I be following BS for early surrender in this situation (other than the Ace surrender of course)?
Other details for the casino I play at - 4 decks, H17, DD any 2 cards, DAS, resplit to 4 hands, Aces split once/1 card, BJ 3:2, insurance available. Additional bets (i.e., double down/split) are returned to the player on dealer blackjack, which I take as an effective dealer peaks. Riffle shuffle, 20-50% penetration.
The play of the game is such that all players receive two face up cards and the dealer one face up card. Before any further action you can choose to surrender against any dealer card other than an ace. Players complete their hands before the dealer receives an additional card.
After thinking about it, I believe this as a form of early surrender with the downside of no surrender against Ace.
I'm a BS player. Should I be following BS for early surrender in this situation (other than the Ace surrender of course)?
Other details for the casino I play at - 4 decks, H17, DD any 2 cards, DAS, resplit to 4 hands, Aces split once/1 card, BJ 3:2, insurance available. Additional bets (i.e., double down/split) are returned to the player on dealer blackjack, which I take as an effective dealer peaks. Riffle shuffle, 20-50% penetration.