Take a look at these chatroom options

Which of these chat options did you like best?

  • FlashChat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • RealChat

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Flasherize

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
I'm finally ready to put some time into inistalling a fully integrated chatroom on the site, so that logged in users are automatically available in chat.

There are several products that integrate with vBulletin. I would like the help of some of the chat regulars to compare the possible products.

Here's a list of some of the ones I found so far. Try out their demos and let me know what you think of them:

FlashChat: ($5)
Homepage: (Dead link: http://www.tufat.com/s_flash_chat_chatroom.htm)
Demo: (Dead link: http://www.tufat.com/demo/chat/stateless/index.php)

RealChat: ($295):
Homepage: (Dead link: http://www.realchat.com)
Demo: (Dead link: http://www.realchat.com/chat.php)

Flasherize: ($49):
Homepage: (Dead link: http://www.flasherize.com)
Demo: (Dead link: http://www.flasherize.com/flashchat.php)

(FYI, I had to refresh the login page before Flasherize behaved correctly. Login with 'Username' and 'Password' to test.)

Check 'em out, and vote. Post your comments too. If you know of more options that are preferable, and offer vBulletin integration, mention that too.

Thanks for your help, -Ken-


Well-Known Member
yea all seem fine. Other than the disconnects and the lag on the current one i think it runs fine. I defiantly thing the 295$ one is way overpriced....if you showed all three with out price I wouldn't be able to tell which was more expensive then the other....I think the 50$ one seem'd cheap too. Guess it would be nice to have a chat that required a username and password that could some how be regulated

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Ken all these chats would be an upgrade to what we have now as long as they could be connected with our bjinfo names. Big upgrade it would be right on your site as well.

The only thing I found was my antivirus was flipping out with the $5 flash version. Did anyone else have that problem? $50 or even the $295 verson would not be to bad if you placed an adsense ad on there. It would def make up for the cost within the year. I noticed you dont have adsense on the site unless you have it disguised very well. If you would need or like some help with it I could show you how it works. Its not like popups or anything you design and choose where to place the ads and you can make a lot of your upkeepcosts back quite quickly.
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standard toaster said:
Ken all these chats would be an upgrade to what we have now as long as they could be connected with our bjinfo names. Big upgrade it would be right on your site as well.

The only thing I found was my antivirus was flipping out with the $5 flash version. Did anyone else have that problem? $50 or even the $295 verson would not be to bad if you placed an adsense ad on there. It would def make up for the cost within the year. I noticed you dont have adsense on the site unless you have it disguised very well. If you would need or like some help with it I could show you how it works. Its not like popups or anything you design and choose where to place the ads and you can make a lot of your upkeepcosts back quite quickly.
I, for one, very much appreciate the work you have done on the existing chat.

If Ken had a pay site attached to the free and monitored who belonged to keep casinos out, like unlike GC, I would be happy to pay to join and this would help defray costs for these items.



Staff member
First, thanks so much to standard toaster for his efforts over the last few months in providing the community a chat area for scheduled chats. Though we are now migrating to an in-site solution, I certainly appreciate what he has done to date.

Now, as to the choice of chat software, the winner is... None of the above. :grin:

I ended up going with AddOnChat.com, and the integration was about as painless as could be. You'll find the Chat Room link in the navigation bar at the top of the forums.

So, give it a test drive, and let me know of any problems or issues.

KenSmith said:
First, thanks so much to standard toaster for his efforts over the last few months in providing the community a chat area for scheduled chats. Though we are now migrating to an in-site solution, I certainly appreciate what he has done to date.

Now, as to the choice of chat software, the winner is... None of the above. :grin:

I ended up going with AddOnChat.com, and the integration was about as painless as could be. You'll find the Chat Room link in the navigation bar at the top of the forums.

So, give it a test drive, and let me know of any problems or issues.
Thanks for all the fine work you have done on behalf of the "BJ Community".
