The Count and his Court Jester


Well-Known Member
Lately I have been wondering Katweezel, you've single handedly captured nearly 1% of all the post/ replies on these boards and your only a member for a mear 6 months. Stay with us 1 more year and you'll surely surpass ZG.

I haven't seen or read of one about BJ even once lately, but your good at mocking.

So your either a Casino Spy from down under, a surfer dude waiting for the next swell, or a degenerate gambler waiting on the next opportunity to plop down your next bet. :rolleyes:

Either way, keep up the good work mate. You make me laugh.


PS: If you couldn't tell, I'm still pissed off that you sold all those damn voodoo feathers to Ihate17 without saving one for me.


Well-Known Member
bjcount said:
Lately I have been wondering Katweezel, you've single handedly captured nearly 1% of all the post/ replies on these boards and your only a member for a mear 6 months. Stay with us 1 more year and you'll surely surpass ZG.

I haven't seen or read of one about BJ even once lately, but your good at mocking.

So your either a Casino Spy from down under, a surfer dude waiting for the next swell, or a degenerate gambler waiting on the next opportunity to plop down your next bet. :rolleyes:

Either way, keep up the good work mate. You make me laugh.

PS: If you couldn't tell, I'm still pissed off that you sold all those damn voodoo feathers to Ihate17 without saving one for me.
This is an odd place to file this under, BJC. It should be down in the haberdashery section. No way could I surpass zg's record. He is already up to 349,669 posts I think it is, whereas I am only a mere 1000 something. Aslan is far riper game than me, with 69thou I think, and Sage at 36thou. (I usually exaggerate figures to bolster my case; doesn't everyone? They know that...) Anyway, who cares how many? If someone wearing a uniform and carrying a gun says shut tf up, I will shut tf up, unless it's InPlay telling me to shut tf up, of course.

As for being a casino spy? Yeah, right. Why would I hang round in Australia, where there are only 13 casinos, 21 million people and 200 million kangaroos? That is one nutty idea mate. If you read any of that pure drivel I wrote over there on ZZ you would quickly come to your senses. Can you really imagine a casino spy writing that kind of gibberish? The few big shots I met never struck me as having any imagination, which is probably why they work for casinos. As for mocking, well, I only mock sacred cows that need mocking, in my view.

As for BJ posts, I mainly leave that to the experts by the name of Bojack, Flash, Fred, QFIT, Ken, Sonny, Creeping Panther, IHate17, zg and a whole host of others. Hell, I haven't even read Don Schlesinger's latest book yet. Let alone Arnold's last book. So there, the reason I stay quiet there is because I don't want to make a fool of myself in that area. Other areas are fine for me to do that in.

I figure all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It can get routine embroiled in math forever and as far as I can tell, entertainment can be fun around here, sometimes. At least I think some here entertain themselves quite well, a fair bit. BTW I don't think IHate17 wants to do the fortune teller thing outside MGM with me. Would you be interested? The tax-free cash is good and ... uh, I'll throw in a free magic voodoo feather. :cat:


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
This is an odd place to file this under, BJC. ..........At least I think some here entertain themselves quite well, a fair bit. BTW I don't think IHate17 wants to do the fortune teller thing outside MGM with me. Would you be interested? The tax-free cash is good and ... uh, I'll throw in a free magic voodoo feather. :cat:
Don't you remember the days when the Earl came down to the town square and read the King's Proclamation? Is the News and Announcement board not the virtual Town Square?

I keep my fortune telling and psychic abilities to myself at the table when I tell the dealer what the next card will be before he flips it over. Sorry, that I don't share with the general public :rolleyes:.

I still want one of those voodoo feathers!

Keep up the good work.
