The Worst Plops Ever


Well-Known Member
I usually stay away from such topics, but after my recent visit to N'awlins and its local gambling parlors, I'm compelled to comment.

Holy sh!t. We went to Boomtown in nearby Harvey, LA, on a midweek afternoon. I've been here before, and most games are crap until they open their high-limit room (read: green chip) in the evening. So I left my bankroll alone and dug into my fun funds and bought in for a hundred.

There was no marquee moment. It was a series of idiotic and mindless moves that allowed me to get away with anything. One woman had a pad and pencil with her, and she tracked her wins/losses the entire time, with no heat from the pit. Of course, she was of little concern, as she would have stayed on a nine versus dealer six had I not implored her to hit (I plead for a double, even offered, but the data overload proved intimidating). Another champ stood on soft four/teen versus dealer six, but later hit seventeen versus dealer five. The only element that was remotely familiar to me was the overdressed fifty-something Viet guy standing behind the table, Monday-morning quarterbacking everyone in his native tongue (a staple at places like Cache Creek on Saturday nights).

I have no problem with idiot plops, but this episode was so extreme I found myself distracted. A new found respect has been discovered for the degenerates I share the table with at El Cortez. Indeed, they are not the worst players in America, despite their level of intoxication.


Well-Known Member
Wow! :eek: Some days, those moves are hilarious, and others they make your jaw just drop. Especially those "what do you have to lose" hands like those you described. :rolleyes:

good luck :joker:


Well-Known Member
You should have been there when Notepad Woman went off on Viet SuperMan. Stupid can only fight Stupid for so long, but a Stupid dealer will slow the evolution. Effing Stupid.


Well-Known Member
Have seen just as bad in my limited time on this side of the pond. Splitting two jacks against a dealer nine. Needless to say, both hands went south.


Well-Known Member

Actually, these aren't the worst ploppies. Remember that ploppies can - and do - impact your results.

In Europe ten-splitting - and resplitting - is quite common and seen as a good move (read - applause, accolades, etc as he gets another XX). SO I am happy to live with stand 9 vs 6, stand on a soft 14 etc anytime. Watching the tens in a high TC shoe wasted on ploppy splits and resplits - I am not happy with.



Well-Known Member
bj21abc said:
Actually, these aren't the worst ploppies. Remember that ploppies can - and do - impact your results.

In Europe ten-splitting - and resplitting - is quite common and seen as a good move (read - applause, accolades, etc as he gets another XX). SO I am happy to live with stand 9 vs 6, stand on a soft 14 etc anytime. Watching the tens in a high TC shoe wasted on ploppy splits and resplits - I am not happy with.

You're not doing it right.


Well-Known Member
bj21abc said:
I am happy to live with stand 9 vs 6, stand on a soft 14 etc anytime.
These are really dumb plays. You're giving up far more trying to preserve a few cards than you'd make by playing correctly.


Well-Known Member
bj21abc said:
I am happy to live with stand 9 vs 6

I have been kicked out of casinos for doing this....when i was dumb and ignorant to the whole entity of a casino (18 and dumb). "You want to stay on an 8?".....yep......"you you are good" followed by a couple backroomers asking for your ID and escorting you to the door for doing it 1 too many times. :cry:


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
These are really dumb plays. You're giving up far more trying to preserve a few cards than you'd make by playing correctly.
Let me explain this again... slowly....

I like ploppies who stand. On anything. 9 vs 6 is the example taken from the original post. They may not eat up many cards in neutral/low counts but that's a minor issue.

When the TC is high, and we see a lot of 10's coming out, ploppies who split and resplit 10's become a major hindrance, "using up" the high cards - and we get fewer +EV rounds.


PS there is an an interesting point here, though - is if your spread is wide enough (i.e. your min bet is almost throwaway) then under what conditions is it preferable (e.g. towards the end of the shoe count suddenly goes positive) to indeed make some unusual plays to preserve cards. Those extra two cards you draw could mean losing that +ive last round.


Well-Known Member
bj21abc said:
Let me explain this again... slowly....

I like ploppies who stand. On anything. 9 vs 6 is the example taken from the original post. They may not eat up many cards in neutral/low counts but that's a minor issue.

When the TC is high, and we see a lot of 10's coming out, ploppies who split and resplit 10's become a major hindrance, "using up" the high cards - and we get fewer +EV rounds.
Thank you for clarifying and writing more clearly; your other post really made it sound like you were the one standing.


Well-Known Member
darco77 said:
The only element that was remotely familiar to me was the overdressed fifty-something Viet guy standing behind the table, Monday-morning quarterbacking everyone in his native tongue (a staple at places like Cache Creek on Saturday nights).
I know that guy! :grin:

He must be a real degenerate or something, because he makes it all the way over to Connecticut regularly as well. :cool2:

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
toastblows said:
I have been kicked out of casinos for doing this....when i was dumb and ignorant to the whole entity of a casino (18 and dumb). "You want to stay on an 8?".....yep......"you you are good" followed by a couple backroomers asking for your ID and escorting you to the door for doing it 1 too many times. :cry:
Could you expand on this?

They booted you for being 18 I expect.

Why did you stay on an 8?

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Martin Gayle said:
Could you expand on this?

They booted you for being 18 I expect.

Why did you stay on an 8?
Some locales allow 18 year olds to gamble.

The only reason I can think of for standing on 8 is ten steering, but I've heard him tell that story before and that particular store's shuffle isn't particularly prone to ace tracking or ten steering.


Well-Known Member
I was playing last night. Dealt an A-7 vs. 3 I go to make my double down and the ploppy next to me interrupts and says "that's not a good hand to double down." "I have my basic strategy card right here.. you can look at it". I say ok.. he shows me the card and of coarse it says to double A-7 vs. 3. I say to him.. "it says double down".. and then he still denies it after I told him what's on the card. He looks at the card and then tries to tell me that the card is wrong and he knows it's not a good double.. :rolleyes:

Again.. I have 3-3 vs 7. Make a move to split the hand. Same ploppy interrupts again. Says it's a bad split.. tell him to look at his card. Again, he tells me i'm wrong and basic strategy card doesn't call for splitting.. 2 minutes later he tells me it does say to split but his card must be wrong. :p