This is correct right?


Well-Known Member
Please tell me if this is the correct list for the illustrious 18 for the hi-lo count. I can't seem to find another copy of it which makes me suspect. I got it out of my book "blackjack: Play Like The Pros" by John Bukofsky and just want to double check.

It also said for the betting ramp to be:

true count units

3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12

Does that seem correct? This is without a side count of aces.



Take Insurance if the true count is +3 or higher


16 vs 10 – Stand with zero or any positive (running) count.
16 vs 9 – Stand if the true count is +5 or higher.
15 vs 10 – Stand if the true count is +4 or higher.
13 vs 2 – Hit with any negative (running) count.
13 vs 3 – Hit if the true count is less than -1.
12 vs 2 – Stand if the true count is +4 or higher.
12 vs 3 – Stand if the true count is +2 or higher.
12 vs 4 - Hit with any negative (running) count.
12 vs 5 – Hit if the true count is less than -1.
12 vs 6 – Hit with any negative (running) count.

Doubling Down

11 vs Ace – Double down if the true count is +1 or higher.
10 vs Ace – DD if true count is +4 or higher
10 vs 10 – DD if true count is +4 or higher
9 vs 7 – DD if true count is +4 or higher
9 vs 2 – DD if true count is +1 or higher

Splitting Pairs

10, 10 vs 6 – Split if true count is +5 or higher
10, 10 vs 5 – Split if true count is +5 or higher


15 vs Ace – Surrender if the true count is +1 or higher
15 vs 10 – Surrender with 0 or any + running count
15 vs 9 – Surrender if true count is +2 or higher
14 vs 10 – Surrender if true count is +3 or higher


Well-Known Member
Bondy you cant say his ramp isn't steep enough when you don't even know what kind of games he is playing >.<


Well-Known Member
DeTalores said:
Bondy you cant say his ramp isn't steep enough when you don't even know what kind of games he is playing >.<
lol Name me a BJ game in the world where you only reach 2% advantage at a TC of +12???

Say you are doing a 1-10 spread, you should be max betting at 2% advantage. That is uaully around TC 5/6 depending which game you play. That's why game selectrion is very important.

If using hi-lo, you gain around 0.5 edge / TC.



Well-Known Member
Umm double deck there is no way he's getting away with a spread of 1:12? I wasnt implying he should make his max bet at a TC of +12, guess I should have made it more clear. Its difficult to give advice on what your spread should be without knowledge of the game and heat.


Well-Known Member
Sure, offering an optimal spread would require more information, but reaching a max bet at +12TC, as others said, is way off regardless of the game.


Well-Known Member
DeTalores said:
Umm double deck there is no way he's getting away with a spread of 1:12? I wasnt implying he should make his max bet at a TC of +12, guess I should have made it more clear. Its difficult to give advice on what your spread should be without knowledge of the game and heat.
1:12 in a double deck game isnt that much, Ive seen people spreading 1:30 in a double deck game. but thats overkill and asking to get caught

One time I was in a double deck game, the TC was +5 and I was about to raise my bet to 12 units, and the pit boss was watching me, I asked him if I should raise my bet and he said, you should bet max (table max was 30 units) so I got to spread 1:30 for a little bit in a DD game, but thats not normal


Well-Known Member
One exception on play, spread needs work.

The playing decisions look good. 12 v 6 meh!?
Realize most of these indexes are EV maximizing, not risk averse. Which is how the pro's play, but they have larger bankrolls than some of us (me.)
If you're playing SD or DD you may reach some of those higher counts (TC4+,) but in multideck it is not frequent enough to overcome the mediocre/lower counts you will commonly experience. Your bet spread will probably not overcome the bets placed at lower counts if playing more than two decks. Even DD the frequencies of the counts may be questionable w/o a large bankroll.
If I were trying to actually calculate the effectiveness of the spread, I would use Stanford Wong's Professional Blackjack or Don Schlesinger's Blackjack Attack 3. If you're not rich in pencils and math try the Casino Verite program(s) which would also be an option.
If your willing to share the rules/decks etc of your playing options everyone could more easily share an accurate/realistic bet spread for you to use.
Good Cards,