Top 50 hookers in Vegas?


(Dead link: _Top 50 hookers in Vegas?_

09:50 AM PT, Feb 16 2009

Just as the mayor was agitating to legalize prostitution downtown, the police have begun one of the most elaborate crackdowns on hookers in the history of the Strip. The program is called VETO (Vice Enforcement Top Offenders) and has gathered up the names of the 50 women whom police describe as "the most prolific prostitutes" in Vegas.

The Review-Journal has a partial list with photographs of the women here. But there are some problems. First you will notice that a number of women have been charged with trespassing or loitering and not prostitution. The casinos have banned the women and they returned. Prostitution was not directly involved in most of the arrests the program is taking credit for making. And that points to the main problem with VETO: It is only touching on one small part of the illegal prostitution that is everywhere in Vegas. These hookers are the ones who hang out in hotels looking for customers, and therefore are the most visible prostitutes to tourists; they are the Strip version of streetwalkers. For that reason this reeks of being a show pony for media rather than a serious attempt to really crack down on the activity.

For example, nothing in this program is meant to catch casino hosts who supply high rollers with hookers for kickbacks from the hookers. Also, there is a huge and thriving Internet community of escort prostitutes who work through websites that even contain consumer reviews by customers that also escapes targeting by this program.

The Internet escorts, like the prostitutes who work with casino hosts, do not loiter at a resort or search for customers at the casino but are already going to meet the john through arrangements made by phone and e-mail.

VETO therefore is really only targeting the women who show up at a casino looking for customers. There are plenty of them. But they are probably not, as advertised by police, "the most prolific" prostitutes in Vegas. And what they do is just a tiny part of the illegal prostitution that takes place on the Strip daily and nightly.


Police are taking unprecedented steps to keep
prostitution offenders off the Strip

WORKING GIRLS: Las Vegas' 50 most prolific prostitutes

Call it a unique kind of most wanted list or simply an attempt to clamp down on the area's worst-kept secret.
Working off a roster of the reputed 50 "most prolific prostitutes" in Clark County, Las Vegas police and prosecutors are taking unprecedented steps to keep repeat prostitution offenders off the Strip.



Well-Known Member

Next time you find yourself in L.V. pick up the phone
book and look in the yellow pages under "escort"


Well-Known Member
Take a gander at those mug shots and see how well they work with the headline "Top 50 hookers". Where was the sting operation? The local methodone clinic?


Well-Known Member
ah crap

ZOMG they have a picture of my sister? :whip:

In all seriousness, Thats some pretty awful action right there, id say the odds of catching a burning sensation when you pee for the rest of your life are better than even money.

Prostitution isnt my cup of tea in any manner shape or form, but sadly it seems that places like Vegas attract a certain "type"

Sad really on so many levels. :(


Well-Known Member
Haven't police departments learned better than to publish photos of prostitutes? (Clients can then pick them up without fear of a sting operation!)

And :laugh::laugh::laugh: at those photos. You've got the "yeah, I'm a hooker, ya caught me" looks, the "leave me the hell alone" looks, and one "I want my mommy" look.
RingyDingy said:
ZOMG they have a picture of my sister? :whip:

In all seriousness, Thats some pretty awful action right there, id say the odds of catching a burning sensation when you pee for the rest of your life are better than even money.

Prostitution isnt my cup of tea in any manner shape or form, but sadly it seems that places like Vegas attract a certain "type"

Sad really on so many levels. :(
I have seen a few really attractive ones there.

Still, the chances of you getting your money's worth from a scene like that are nil. They figure you're a tourist and they aren't worried about your repeat business. Everything else is a ripoff in that city why wouldn't they be?

If I was into whores I'd only go to the ones that had a good reputation to protect.

Slick Vic

Active Member
(Dead link:

Now who wouldn't want to pay for a dream girl like that?


Active Member
Hooker Bingo?

I think I found a new game for my trip to vegas! Print out a Bingo card and see who can spot the most "most wanted" hookers! :D


I'd hate to see the WORST

If this qualifies as in the top 50, I would hate to see what scrapes at the bottom of the barrel! (Dead link:

She does sort of look like they pulled her off the sidewalk in front of the local methadone clinic!


New Member
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What happens here in Vegas, stays here.. But here's a flash from my latest visit to Sin City, where I reviewed a racy new show. When hand puppets are naked, they have no bottoms!


Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
If this qualifies as in the top 50, I would hate to see what scrapes at the bottom of the barrel!
I believe the "top 50" were "top 50" in terms of being prolific or being arrested, not "top 50" in attractiveness.

Some of the hookers at the pricier joints (Bellagio, Caesars, Wynn) are downright gorgeous. I imagine they're smart/experienced/coached enough to stay out of the spotlight - such as picking clientele who value discretion enough to pay extra for it.