Useful BJ Apps for iPhone and iPod Touch


Active Member
Has anyone had any experience with "Blackjack Mentor for the iPhone" or "Blackjack Expert for the iPhone"? Or other useful Apps?

I have "Perfect Play Blackjack" which is useful for quick on the fly EV calculations for specific Player vs. Dealer hands.

It is very practical to load blackjack books as pdf files onto the iPhone for quick lookup of indices and strategy variations.
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Well-Known Member

I have a "Jailbroken" iPad.

I have every Blackjack app' extant, including the infamous one that will count down a shoe for you with any of several Level One and Level Two counts;
(installed on an iPhone and resting in your pocket) via "stealth mode", alerting you via vibration as to when the count reaches an advantageous level.

Note: casinos have stated that mere possession of this app on casino property is a predicate felony and cause for arrest.

Most of the BJ apps are atrocious. A few are good, especially for beginners and novice Card Counters.


Active Member
Infamous BJ App


I agree, most of the BJ Apps in iTunes are useless. That's why I ask if anyone has encountered useful Apps for the iPhone.

What is the name of the infamous BJ App that automatically counts down? And how does it work?

Any good Apps that you like?


Well-Known Member
It works by establishing a "stealth mode" that displays BIG icon buttons for +1 +2 −1 −2
depending on the count you select. You use it sight unseen. You keep it in your pocket and tap away.
It alerts you via vibration when your true count is juicy.

I am uncomfortable discussing this any further than this as it is unlawful to possess on casino grounds.

I have others that are pretty good for just learning a count, although many of these iPad apps
have built-in stupidity, and most are not available on the iPhone. I hate it when someone
who has obviously never played a hand of BJ creates an app - without having beta testers
to tell him how absurd the app is.

I would find the time to review the iPad apps and post the results here
IF there is sufficient interest.


Well-Known Member

Flash if you graciously take the time to do this could you state which ones of the ipod are cross platform for the android as well if its not to much trouble? but even for the ipod platform I would be interested.



Well-Known Member
I am intending to complete this project - with the understanding that I have an iPad, but neither an iPhone nor an Android device.

One of the problems I am certain to face is that some of the apps have no link to the software developer. I know that unless you have purchased a license it can be all but impossible to contact the developer.

These developers are in need of advice.



Staff member
I'm planning to use the information Flash provides from the reviews in a resource here.

For that reason, I hope that developers will consider providing a free promo code to allow him to get a free review copy of their app.

For the developers, I'll assure your blackjack-related app will be linked from the eventual review page in return.

Flash, feel free to refer to this post directly in any emails you send.


Active Member
iPad Apps

Hi Flash,

Could you list a couple iPad Apps that you like and have found useful? In the future, we will wait for a more detailed review of iPad Apps.

Thanks in advance..
FLASH1296 said:

I have a "Jailbroken" iPad.

I have every Blackjack app' extant, including the infamous one that will count down a shoe for you with any of several Level One and Level Two counts;
(installed on an iPhone and resting in your pocket) via "stealth mode", alerting you via vibration as to when the count reaches an advantageous level.

Note: casinos have stated that mere possession of this app on casino property is a predicate felony and cause for arrest.

Most of the BJ apps are atrocious. A few are good, especially for beginners and novice Card Counters.
I just looked up this app. Looks like the company removed the "stealth mode" on it. Some of the reviewers think that they did this because it's illegal to have an electronic device that helps your play.(as you noted).