straight up warrior, i don't know.

would (units won or lost)/(total rounds) be better called average win/round?
rate (to me) implies delta(y)/delta(x) or the derivative of the (change of y) with respect to the (change of x) sort of thing, no? and maybe if the stuff is linear just dividing is ok but if the stuff varys how it changes then you need calculus ie. take the derivative. and if that's what who ever means then the win rate per round would be [delta(y)/delta(x)]unit/round ? lmao.
so maybe i'm making it to hard and the answer is really just how some body defined win rate back in the history of blackjack math?
so obviously i don't know cause i don't know Kasi's spread sheet's definition of win rate per round in units. another good question is it a linear function? i doubt it.

Kasi's spread sheet employs
win rate per round in units = (average bet units)*(W/L%) ....... but i think you really got to divide out the % by going %/100% sort of thing

but anyway i think how you can see the bolded parameters relate to cvcx's help definitions....
do i detect a differance in what the encyclopedia calls win/loss and what cvcx calls it? i think initial bet needs to be stipulated in the encyclopedia definition?
the online blackjack encyclopedia( calls some of this stuff:
win/loss. As in win/loss ratio. A mathematical term that reflects the ratio between the total amount of wins divided by the total amount of losses.
win rate. A player's long-run expectation. Generally expressed in dollars/hour, dollars/hands played or in percent form.
so if you looked at my sim i know that cvcx calls this stuff this way in it's help section:
Ø Bet Average - Average initial bet in units. This is the bet before double downs, splits, surrender or insurance.
Ø Win/Loss - Also called EV or IBA (Initial Bet Advantage.) This is the amount won or lost divided by the initial bet.
Ø Standard Deviation - Provided by hand and hour and used for desirability and risk calculations.
Ø Win Rates - Units and dollars won per hour.
Ø Risk of Ruin - The chance that you will lose the bankroll that you have set at the top of the page.
Ø DI - The desirability index developed by Don Schlesinger is a combination of win rate and standard deviation and is designed to rate the desirability of a situation. A higher DI is better.
Ø C-SCORE - c-SCORE is a term coined by Richard Reid to indicate comparative SCORE and is calculated without the bankroll and risk requirements of Don Schlesinger’s SCORE. It can be used to compare two situations and is calculated by squaring the Desirability Index.
Ø Certainty Equivalent - If you do not see this field, go to the Options tab and click on Customize Columns. CE is essentially the value of a wager.
Ø CE/WR Ratio - This is the ratio of Certainty Equivalent and Win Rate. Ideally this is 0.5. If this is less than .5, then your risk of ruin is greater than you wish.
Ø True Count Frequency - The percentage of hands at each True Count.
Ø EV - The expected percentage won at each true count and the standard error. Also known as IBA.
Ø Optimal Bet Exact - Here the ideal number of units to bet is calculated to maximize the desirability index.
lol i guess i better try and read Griffin again before i get even more senile than i already am. lmao. maybe i'll fool myself into thinking i can do it. :joker:
so i guess he has to get that stuff from some statistical information. so in my confusiion doesn't he need some standard deviation parameters in there?
lol, what do i know?

just shootin the breeze lol.
guess i need to really try and understand this ROR stuff a bit better.
yeah i think your ramp would win more but might have had a little more ROR. thinik i ran a sim of your ramp just to compare it. i think i deleted all that stuff in cvcx cause i was doin something else and all the created sims i had in there were confusing to wade through. lol. did a little house cleaning, hope i didn't throw the baby out lmao.