Why BlackjackInfo needs a message board


Staff member
The blackjack community on the Internet is a vibrant and thriving community. There are many excellent blackjack-themed sites on the net, and several of them have busy message boards catering to their users. So, why does the world need one more?

There are a few reasons...

I answer a lot of blackjack questions by email. I'm hoping that at least some of that interaction with my site visitors will end up on the message board instead. That will allow everyone to benefit from the answers of common questions, and more importantly, it will allow the whole community to participate in the process.

As an example, since launching the message board at my BlackjackTournaments.com site, it has grown into a wonderful resource for avid tournament players. Despite the targeted focus of that site, it still gets a fair number of messages posted about traditional blackjack topics that would fit more appropriately here.

There are a lot of enhancements on the way at BlackjackInfo, and they need a user registration system to work well. When I needed the same thing at the tournament site, I used the message forum software to fill that need, and it has worked extremely well. A free membership at that site now allows the visitor access to an extensive schedule of upcoming blackjack tournaments around the country.

Last of all, I believe this site already serves as the gateway to the rest of the blackjack world on the Internet. When a player who is new to the game decides to search the Internet for information about blackjack, he or she is most likely to arrive here first. Those are exactly the visitors who can most use what a message forum can deliver.

I look forward to seeing how this project develops. Thanks for contributing.


New Member
Here you go, again!

Kenneth: congrats on yet another effort to provide worthwhile information to BJ afficiendoes and other players. :)


Howdy Ken ;)

Forums have all way been a learning experience for me, picking up all sorts of info and tips on inproving my game, and as you have a fair amount of the games Gods/experts passing through the site, every one will benefit, though rules wise you there yanks have more going for you :cool: , than us here in the uk :rolleyes: ( I live in Glasgow, Scotland ) take care and be lucky


Good Choice

Granted I'm new to the game, but actually I haven't seen any really great BlackJack Forum. The community at BJ21 seems pretty good, but I was banging my head against the wall trying to navigate the forum.

Anyways great choice on VBulletin, and thanks for starting a forum. I'm sure it will be first class :)


ps. You mentioned your working on site-rennovations. I'm gonna send you an e-mail with some links I've found usefull when building/managing web-sites. Consider it a trade for free B/J advice ;-)


New Member
Ty for the site, I decided I was going to learn to play BlackJack and your site was the first I came across. (also the best so far) I've been spending alot of time on your trainer and the items I have ordered from the bookstore have helped alot also.

Having just read the posts on the forum I can see that this will raise my learning curve immensely and for that I thank you again.


Active Member
Thanks Ken, for giving me one more reason to avoid being productive at work. :D The site looks good. You did well in your set-up. :1st: