1st base vs 3rd base


Well-Known Member
The problem with sitting at 1st base is

that it's hard or impossible to see where the dealer places the cut card so you don't if the pen is great, average, or terrible.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Jack, I don't completely understand what you're saying. Are you saying that you think you can be more aggressive about increasing bets if you are sitting at a crowded DD table than heads up?
Well Naturally! I had a pretty tough time tryin to explain it , so it could be understood. Actually I almost didnt even bother posting it all, Primarily because it almost sounds like Voodoo, and Im just askin to be Insulted. Above and Beyond that, Sims have proven this effect to have or show little signifigance, if any at all. But all sims aside, I continually ask myself where the game will be in a hundred years from now. I think it was, RD orange that made the point(which I belivied for some time now) that Sims could Possibly, just merely be balancing things out, and they're just not capable of factoring in, Inexplicable anamolys of the game.
Reluctantly so, Yes that what I'm saying. But the overall difference is small, but yet noticeable. As I mentioned before the biggest change is from 1 player vs the Dealer,(heads up) to 2 players vs the Dealer. Its not until 3 or 4 players are at the table that I actually go by the Book.
As far as the number of player vs table position is still a Project in the making. I do know However that the more players that are at the table the more agressive I am when raising my bets and hard doubling. Conversly, when playing heads up.
EasyRhino said:
If so, would there be any chance this would be due to TC mis-estimation? If you're playing off the top of a DD game, but cards are dealt to 6 players, a substantial number are going to be used. However, if you divide your running count after the cards are dealt by a full 2 decks, then you're going to be underestimating your TC (because maybe you could have divided by 1.8 decks).
Note:Of course I was using a vague example here. I see what your saying, but let me get back to you on this.

Often when I play at a semi-to semi full table and I happen to be playing 1st base when raising my bets.+count) I watch myself get a twenty, while the dealer is drawing his hole card(lastcard) from a negative count.:grin:
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Well-Known Member
running bases!

It is rule to play third because of the amount of information is the most accurate at that time of decision on your hand. Now that I got that statement out of the way,by observation and my stats not sims which is borderline voodoo logic first does seem at times to be the seat. Third comes in second if you don't have a sloppy dealer. Heads up is the best of course but good luck trying to mantain solo play with even a moderatly crowded conditions. blackchipjim