A/9 vs v 10/10


Active Member
Much is made of splitting 10's vs a 6 or 5.
Much of the literature and or sims (that I have read/done) show that the indexes for these is 12 and 10 respectivly.

Then there is the non mathamatical opinion, of some that it generates to much heat, and should possibly be passed on even though its the most profitable play.

My question is: Why is there not too much attention for A/9 (soft 20)???

Mathmatically it is better than 10/10, for the reason that you only desire ONE paint card. With the 10/10 split, you would desire 2 paint cards, which would effectivly lower the count more. A/9 would also (arguably) be much LESS of a heat producer.

Just curious why hardly any of the literature talks of this play (as a higher index play of course, like +8-+10ish)



Well-Known Member
That is because there are drunken ploppies who double random “Soft“ totals.

Splitting Face Cards is a particularly deliberate action.


Well-Known Member
If you want to get the money out there on the tables on positive counts, then would you dbl. on a soft 20? Some may say yes. I ain't no great BJ player but at a really high count your big bet is already out. You have a high probability you will take that hand vs. a dealer 5/6.
I will of course defer to those green, black and purple chippers amongst us.
But that's my take on it.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
On a slightly related note, the last time I split face cards, and the last time I doubled soft 20, both times the players thought I was F-N stupid. Until the hand played out and I prevented dealer 21's!

I am someone who is not afraid to split 10's, and the key is to establish it early. I will do this often at neutral/mildly positive counts with minimal bets, just to establish that I will do it. A/9, too.

Both of these plays are considered very objectionable by ploppies. So while it may not be the optimum play, it both establishes you will do these plays and can chase away ploppies giving you more favorable table conditions.

This will of course give you more hands if the count rises, and more opportunities to plunk down the money for these plays when you really should.

Note that I will only do these plays in mildly positive situations, or monster counts when I can go for the throat. I would not do these with moderate bets.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback.

metronome, true, but if the index calls for it, (+10) then I am playing it, even if i already have my max out there, which I would at TC10

- I have just been surprised I suppose by the lack of literature on the play, when mathmatically a soft 20 double is a better play than a 10/10 split (at a tc+10), due to the need of one 1 paint card, not 2. Plus (arguably) it's also LESS of a heat generator. Yet, for some reason, not many indexes have this included at a +8 to +10 level. (i do myself, have A9 double vs 5 or 6, at a TC10 or higher)

The place I play at is always super crowded, even at times on the 100 min table (which I play at much less, and wong out far more stringently)

I have done the same, with an intentional A9 double or 10/10 split. I usually do it on my first one, that way it establishes it early, and clears the table usually half way.

At a 6 player game, when there its full (me + 5 other players), and the person beside me does NOT even play BS, so I can't spread to 2 hands at TC 2 or even 3. (which I prefer to do). I do the bonehead play to try and clear some ploppies.

....if it doesn't clear any of them, then it's time to look to find another table.

thanks for the feedback


Well-Known Member
65D said:
Thanks for the feedback.

- I have just been surprised I suppose by the lack of literature on the play, when mathmatically a soft 20 double is a better play than a 10/10 split (at a tc+10), due to the need of one 1 paint card, not 2.
True you only need one 'good card' to make your hand vs 2 'good cards' for a 10/10 split, but that also means you only need one 'bad card' to turn your already good hand to crap and lose 2 max bets, where as you would have need 2 'bad cards' to turn each of your tens into crap, so variance is going to be greater for doubling A9.

There is nothing worse than having your max bet, say 20 units out and being dealt a very strong hand of 20 (whether A9, or 10,10) and turning that probable 20 unit win into a 40 unit loss by splitting or doubling. That's a 60 unit swing! At least with splitting 10/10, you have the possiblity of turning your probable 20 unit win into a push (one win, one loss) rather than a 40 unit loss. With doubling an A9 a push senario is much less likely. You are more likely to be a double win or double loss, which equals higher variance.

I am not saying this is a reason to not make the play when called for. Just pointing out the higher variance. The reason I don't make the play when called for is the heat that both plays generate. I will only split 10/10 at a higher number than even the risk adverse index and then only when I am leaving shortly after the play (like at the end of the shoe)


Active Member
good point on the variance

thanks for pointing that out. I had not thought of it *yet* at that angle.
well explained. Now it clicks better.

It's just like the equivelent of playing 10 units on 2 hands (instead of 20 units on 1 hand). Which i totally understand, and understand as more beneficial.
..actually ideally 15 units x 2 hands (instead of 10 x 1 hand)
pg 208 - 211 Professonal Blackjack by S. Wong

I was still surprised that in many counts it does not get an index number, yet the 10/10 usually does.


Well-Known Member
Many times have I seen ploppies split face cards. I've often seen a ploppy hit hard 17. Ploppies sometimes double A-5 against a face card. I've even seen them split fives, more than once. I've also seen ploppies try to HIT A-9, until the dealer reminded them that they had 20.

But when was the last time you saw a ploppy double down on A-9? In my opinion that may be the stinkiest play of all. (and I'm not saying that I don't do it myself sometimes) :devil:


Well-Known Member
TTv6 comes up 8 times more frequently than A9v6. This is why it is a far more valuable index play.