Bankroll Question i'm sure all intermediate players have


New Member
Hello all.

I have a question for you guys about the way a bankroll works. Any Pros out there?

Let just say I'm doing a minimum $20 with a 1-10 bet spread so max at $200. At 50X you need 1K. At 100X you need 2K which would cut your risk of ruin in half.

Lets say these are my bets: T2 or less - $20, T3 - $40, T4 - $60, T5 - $80 - T6 - $100, T7> - $200

I want to know if that bankroll is for playing at one table all night or can you jump in and out of tables and still have the same risk of ruin. What if the TC never goes above 2 or so?

What if your on a loosing streak?

Do you need to leave a table if the TC is below -2?

Just trying to get more detailed info about how not to loose your bankroll and play unlimited hours.

Also someone with a bigger bankroll may not lose they're bankroll as quick as someone with a smaller bankroll obvious because they have more funds but how does that help them win more?

Thanks Guys!


MrBlaise00 said:
Hello all.

I have a question for you guys about the way a bankroll works. Any Pros out there?

Let just say I'm doing a minimum $20 with a 1-10 bet spread so max at $200. At 50X you need 1K. At 100X you need 2K which would cut your risk of ruin in half.

Lets say these are my bets: T2 or less - $20, T3 - $40, T4 - $60, T5 - $80 - T6 - $100, T7> - $200

I want to know if that bankroll is for playing at one table all night or can you jump in and out of tables and still have the same risk of ruin. What if the TC never goes above 2 or so?

What if your on a loosing streak?

Do you need to leave a table if the TC is below -2?

Just trying to get more detailed info about how not to loose your bankroll and play unlimited hours.

Also someone with a bigger bankroll may not lose they're bankroll as quick as someone with a smaller bankroll obvious because they have more funds but how does that help them win more?

Thanks Guys!
Oh jeez, those are a lot of questions and I really don't feel like going down the line answering all of them in great detail. Here are a few buzz words you should familiarize yourself with and you will understand things better.
1)Kelly Criterion - The mathematically correct amount to wager in order to see the quickest bank roll growth. You're supposed to bet 0.75% of your advantage in blackjack in accordance with your bank roll)
Here's an example: You have a $1,000 dollar bank roll and your advantage is 10% (not a realistic edge but let's run with it) so 10% of $1,000 dollars is $100 dollars, therefore, $100 dollars is the optimal bet according to the Kelly Criterion. It doesn't end there though, because Kelly betting wasn't designed specifically for Blackjack, we have to take in to account the variance of the game of blackjack (which differs from rule set to rule set). When you take the variance in to account you're only supposed to bet 3/4 of what Kelly suggests so 3/4 of $100 is $75 dollars. Some people advocate betting even less than Kelly, something like 0.50% so in our example that would be $50. As your bank roll increases and decreases you so will your optimal Kelly bet.
2) You don't need to wong out at any specific count but you will boost your profits by wonging out of negative games. Why sit through a deck that is hopelessly negative when it's just a waste of money? Usually TC -2 is a good time to leave, and I think most people would leave at that point if they would not have already left yet, with that being said, it differs from person to person.

For simplicity sake, just give us the amount of money you plan on gambling with and the stakes you're thinking about playing and we should be able to give you some good advice as to what your RISK OF RUIN is and all that good stuff. It would make it easier.
With all of this being said, I'm not the best person to take advice from so I hope for your sake one of the heavy weights like Don comes in to do a better job answering your question than I did and maybe someone is generous enough to run a simulation for you.
I didn't mean to write this much. lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where to start, but here it goes:

1) You seem very new, which is perfectly fine. But I would highly recommend starting off by reading through a lot of the older posts on here, as well as other sites. BJ21 is pretty dead these days, but there's a wealth of knowledge there in the older posts. It might be worth picking up a subscription for a few months just to skim through all of the archived posts. Start by doing that and it should clear up a lot of stuff.

2) In terms of bankroll size, this pretty subjective. A rule of thumb that I hear many posters say is that you should have approximately 100 max bets. So if your max bet is $200, then you should have roughly around $20,000 for a bankroll. If you're bankroll is replenishable then I'd say it's ok to have less. If the game conditions you're exposed to are poor, then I might say should have more, but if the game conditions in your area excellent, then maybe you can afford playing on a smaller roll. If you play full time, then I think you probably need significantly more than 100 max bets. Probably double or more. So as you can see, there are many variables to consider.

3) If you want to secure your bankroll and want to have a low chance of busting out, then the way to do that would be playing on a very low RoR (risk of ruin). In order to do that, you'll need to be well funded. How well funded? I guess it depends on the type of games in your region. Example: the bankroll requirements for someone who frequents the single deck games in Wendover, NV vs someone who plays a $25 min, H17, DAS, 1.5 cut, 6D game would be SIGNIFICANTLY different. Not to mention everyone has differenlt levels of tolerance for risk. So only you can answer that question.

4) Don't worry about "streaks." They're meaningless. Worry about EV.


Well-Known Member
"Let just say I'm doing a minimum $20 with a 1-10 bet spread so max at $200. At 50X you need 1K. At 100X you need 2K which would cut your risk of ruin in half."

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.


New Member
To everyone who answered thanks.

Basically me question was if someone has a bigger or unlimited bankroll of course there chance of ROR are going to be lower than someone playing the exact same bet spreads with a smaller bankroll right.

So with that being said bankroll size doesnt really determine if your going to profit.

Also if someone only plays most of there hands when the TC is above -2 versus someone who stays at a table even through the bad TC's like below -2(smaller card room with one bj table) then the person playing the same game same rules and same bet spreads should profit faster and greater correct?

Im not a begginer btw. I keep RC through entire shoes consistantly, play BS with playing deviations and leave when ahead very often. Last 15 visits ive lost once and broke even once and am positive 13x.

Bankroll has only been around 1k to start and now abt 3500. Betting usually tc +2 and below $20,tc3 40,tc460,tc580,tc6100,tc7>200.


Well-Known Member
as Ryemo suggested , read through all of the archived and sticky here ,bjtf and bj21 . sorry to tell you , yes you are new cause your questions and understanding is very elementary . Bankroll ( one of the 3 important) would probably make or break you. Great games and tolerances are probably the other 2. while all the others only need to be adequate. I must add the CE/SCORE is also very important. Having a substantial bankroll can push trough many obstacles , but other criteria need to be adequate though. Therefore i consider it the most important .