Does Zen count have best efficiency in six-deck?


Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and have been practicing hi-lo in six-deck games. I would like to push it to a second tier technique. Does Zen Count have the best efficiency in terms of outcome and ease of use in six-deck?

Thank you very much for your opinion!
a1a4a7 said:
Does Zen Count have the best efficiency in terms of outcome and ease of use in six-deck?
Yes but not by much...
...not worth the relearning effort for most.
...first consider learning more indices and playing faster and longer with HILO.


xengrifter said:
Yes but not by much...
...not worth the relearning effort for most.
...first consider learning more indices and playing faster and longer with HILO.
Thanks for your advice, Xen.
For long term like a year or two, would zen be better at 6 decks and 4 decks? Beacuase the playing efficiency is kinda low on Hi lo.