A new site search feature is now live, and it actually includes five sources of blackjack information for your searches.
The (Dead link: http://www.blackjackinfo.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi) _BlackjackInfo Search_ will return document references from
You can also restrict searches to a particular one of the five sites if you want. The search is both quicker and more full-featured than the built-in message board search feature.
The (Dead link: http://www.blackjackinfo.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi) _BlackjackInfo Search_ will return document references from
- The BlackjackInfo main site
- The BlackjackInfo message forums
- The BlackjackTournaments.com main site
- The BlackjackTournaments message forums
- The CountingEdge.com site
You can also restrict searches to a particular one of the five sites if you want. The search is both quicker and more full-featured than the built-in message board search feature.