newbie counter looking for advice


Over the last couple months I've been teaching myself the zen count. How would the season vets here rate it compared to the other counts? I can count down a single deck using this system in about 30-35 secs on average? My local casino offers single deck,das,da2,ES, 3-2 bj. Is this a good system for this type of game? If anyone can give me tips to become a better bj player or to mentor an up and coming player that would be awesome. Thanks!


FLASH1296 said:
Without side-counted Aces, ZEN is as good as it gets.

Thanks Flash! I always keep track of Aces that come out so I can predict blackjacks and know when its better to take insurance. Especially in a single deck game. Any other tips you can give to a newb? :grin:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
bjchick said:
Over the last couple months I've been teaching myself the zen count. How would the season vets here rate it compared to the other counts? I can count down a single deck using this system in about 30-35 secs on average? My local casino offers single deck,das,da2,ES, 3-2 bj. Is this a good system for this type of game? If anyone can give me tips to become a better bj player or to mentor an up and coming player that would be awesome. Thanks!
If the rules you cited, (which I doubt) are correct, you wouldn't need a system in that you would be playing with an advantage off the top with simple BS, giving you a .58 edge with even a H-17 game. If the ES you cite, is actually LS or ES-10, then I agree with Flash.


bj bob said:
If the rules you cited, (which I doubt) are correct, you wouldn't need a system in that you would be playing with an advantage off the top with simple BS, giving you a .58 edge with even a H-17 game. If the ES you cite, is actually LS or ES-10, then I agree with Flash.
ooops! your right, its actually no surrender, sorry i don't know why i put early, but the rest of the rules were correct


Well-Known Member
As soon as you gain (by posting sufficiently) more privileges, private messaging will be easy.

Meanwhile, my suggestion is to generate a throwaway gmail account and post it here.

I will send you the info that you are looking for; and then you can delete
that email account.

You will also be able to edit/delete the post.


Well-Known Member
Of course the best count to use in a "pitch" game is Hi-Opt II
Actually, according to the sims in Modern Blackjack Hi-Opt II is better in shoe games as well.
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thanks flash! my email is [email protected] its a throw away email so feel free to send me any wisdom you might have. Anything you give will be greatly appreciated :) I'll check into Hi-Opt II as well, thanks