Team Play Questions

1. A couple friends and I have been playing in the area and having just one of us play minimum bet until the count goes up. Then all three of us play. Is this a good strategy or would that just spread the outcoming good cards to thin?

2. As you can imagine some people have gotten angry when they see us do this (other players at the table). It's my understanding that they are just being supersticious. We were told that "we are screwing up the play of the cards".
I would appreciate any insight someone could offer about these two issues. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
1. Not a the best idea - either have 2 of you spotting on different tables and calling in a big player or all 3 of you play on different tables and just share a bankroll.

2. Forget about them - you can gamble your money how and when you like. If they've got a problem with it, tell them they can play at another table.

Follow Up

We are playing on these rare virtual machines that act as a real table. There is a virtual show that acts as a real shoe and shows you when it reshuffles. I am still a bit sceptical but was told that it can't be rigged because of some gaming law that says it would have to act as a real 6deck shoe.

This being the case it is more time consuming to go in and out of tables because you have to wave down an employee to put your money in the machine and get you started. It is also often difficult to find open spots at more then one of these tables at a time. I understand what you said though and I greatly appreciate it. I will disscuss it with the other players.

Unfortunately they are getting rid of the before mentioned machines and then our days at that particular casino will be over. I hope to hear further thoughts from you on our current situation. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If it is a machine you could put the money in yourself. Besides you should play real tables and call in the big player and than have the small player leave so the big player gets as much money as possible on the table in favorable situations. On machines the could shuffle at the end of every hand if they wan't to. If they do play through they probably give very poor pen. any way.