To drink or not to drink?

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Just to get some general imput on this subject. First of all I do not drink while counting.After two beers I get sloppy with my count, indeces etc.Also I find that counting for me is tough after about 11PM. It,s just my biological clock. Do any of you drink while counting and any tips on how to stay alert and fresh to maximize table time? BJ


Well-Known Member
That is no question.
I wouldn't drink more than one (maybe two over a few hours) alcoholic drink/s if I was trying to count.

I actually saw an experiment on a current affairs type show where they tested a bunch of people, seeing how good they were at pool/snooker before they touched alcohol, after one drink, after two, after 3 and so forth.
Their results showed that after 2 (maybe 3?) drinks, most people actually play better than stone cold sober. They got very bad, very quickly after that though, as I'm sure most of the guys on here have found out at one stage.
Cant remember the size of the test.
My guess is it relaxes you, letting you play the shots easier. Would the same work for a nervous counter?

I'm a shift worker so I have no trouble with staying awake. I can stay awake for almost 24 hours before getting tired.

My tip for staying awake is to take a nap before you hit the casino. A bit of a nanna'a way, but it'll work. Drink coffee or Coke/cola or any stimulant. NoDoz tablets? Pseudoephedrine works good. A mate and I once used it when going paintballing early on a cold morning after a big day/night before. We shot three times as many paintballs as anyone else, but thats probably just cos we're sadistic :flame: Cold and flu tablets.
Amphetamines work even better, or so I'm told. :rolleyes:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip Aussie.Would like to know if that experiment that you sited was using real beer and not that brutal concoction you guys drink down there that comes in oil cans! 2-3 beers seems to be the consensus so far. Not that I make it a habit, but occasioally would like to use it as a cover towards the end of my playing day.Also, do you or anyone else take long breaks between playing sessions? I use the golden rule of one hour/ lose or double so there's about 1/2-1 hr. time break. BJ


Well-Known Member
It was an Aussie experiement, and they were all Aussies in it, so they were drinking real Aussie beer, not weak gnat's piss.
If I adjust my calculations to suit American beer, you'd probably be safe with 4 beers, maybe five.
I have no idea what you are talking about re the oil cans. I only drink beer out of glasses and glass bottles, or out of aluminium cans if I'm on a plane and they have nothing else.
While on the topic of beer, nobody in Australia actually drinks Fosters, we just export it all.

I don't actually play much in casinos, as there is only one close-ish to me, and its CSM only. There are some average counting opportunities in Australia, but each major city (all 10 of them :D ) only has one casino as far as I know.
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Well-Known Member
aussiecounter said:
That is no question.
I wouldn't drink more than one (maybe two over a few hours) alcoholic drink/s if I was trying to count.

I actually saw an experiment on a current affairs type show where they tested a bunch of people, seeing how good they were at pool/snooker before they touched alcohol, after one drink, after two, after 3 and so forth.
Their results showed that after 2 (maybe 3?) drinks, most people actually play better than stone cold sober. They got very bad, very quickly after that though, as I'm sure most of the guys on here have found out at one stage.
Cant remember the size of the test.
My guess is it relaxes you, letting you play the shots easier. Would the same work for a nervous counter?

I'm a shift worker so I have no trouble with staying awake. I can stay awake for almost 24 hours before getting tired.

My tip for staying awake is to take a nap before you hit the casino. A bit of a nanna'a way, but it'll work. Drink coffee or Coke/cola or any stimulant. NoDoz tablets? Pseudoephedrine works good. A mate and I once used it when going paintballing early on a cold morning after a big day/night before. We shot three times as many paintballs as anyone else, but thats probably just cos we're sadistic :flame: Cold and flu tablets.
Amphetamines work even better, or so I'm told. :rolleyes:
To AC and bj bob after years of casino play under various types of chemical use I would concure with the study that a couple beers might take the edge off and calm the nerves but after that it is usually all downhill if your serious about counting. Would suggest laying off the amphetamines (as well as coke, crack crank etc) as is begins to make you dulusional and makes it easy to lose track of the game.You also might begin to sweat to the point that other players:) as well as casino staff might begin to notice you. Never I good idea when trying to count.


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea.

My tip for staying awake is to take a nap before you hit the casino. A bit of a nanna'a way, but it'll work. Drink coffee or Coke/cola or any stimulant. NoDoz tablets? Pseudoephedrine works good. A mate and I once used it when going paintballing early on a cold morning after a big day/night before. We shot three times as many paintballs as anyone else, but thats probably just cos we're sadistic Cold and flu tablets.
Amphetamines work even better, or so I'm told.
I would stay away from Ephedrine, amphetamines, meth, cold/flu tablets. You dont want to get dependant on those. Also, I know of some people who snort caffeine pills; I advise against this also (some people I know drink Robitussin, Snort caffeine pills, and do pot, and they are fricken screwed up). I think napping/small amounts of caffeine, but not just "any stimulant" lol. PCP will make you angry and extremely aggressive, so definitely not that.


Senacchrib said:
I would stay away from Ephedrine, amphetamines, meth, cold/flu tablets. You dont want to get dependant on those. Also, I know of some people who snort caffeine pills; I advise against this also (some people I know drink Robitussin, Snort caffeine pills, and do pot, and they are fricken screwed up). I think napping/small amounts of caffeine, but not just "any stimulant" lol. PCP will make you angry and extremely aggressive, so definitely not that.
I've counted on LSD, but I don't recommend it. zg

bj bob

Well-Known Member
:gaga: :gaga: Hey guys! Notice how my rather innocent mention of"two beers" quickly evolved into bennies,then cough meds,crank etc.finally into LSD!Are we truely a drug culture?(tongue and cheek...Have we all had our daily dose of table time yet? )I guess the other part of my original question was :Any one of you have routines(jogging,walking,rest,exercise etc.)that help you maintain concentration and focus? I've noticed that my wiinnings are not as substantial after six hours of play.(I'll take another pill now) Thanks BJ


bj bob said:
:gaga: :gaga: Hey guys! Notice how my rather innocent mention of"two beers" quickly evolved into bennies,then cough meds,crank etc.finally into LSD!Are we truely a drug culture?(tongue and cheek...Have we all had our daily dose of table time yet? )I guess the other part of my original question was :Any one of you have routines(jogging,walking,rest,exercise etc.)that help you maintain concentration and focus? I've noticed that my wiinnings are not as substantial after six hours of play.(I'll take another pill now) Thanks BJ
This is what I take - highly recommended! developed by my friend Josh Reynolds. zg
(Dead link:


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
This is what I take - highly recommended! developed by my friend Josh Reynolds. zg
(Dead link:
So instead of tipping you buy brainpower? A good trade off I guess.