That is no question.
I wouldn't drink more than one (maybe two over a few hours) alcoholic drink/s if I was trying to count.
I actually saw an experiment on a current affairs type show where they tested a bunch of people, seeing how good they were at pool/snooker before they touched alcohol, after one drink, after two, after 3 and so forth.
Their results showed that after 2 (maybe 3?) drinks, most people actually play better than stone cold sober. They got very bad, very quickly after that though, as I'm sure most of the guys on here have found out at one stage.
Cant remember the size of the test.
My guess is it relaxes you, letting you play the shots easier. Would the same work for a nervous counter?
I'm a shift worker so I have no trouble with staying awake. I can stay awake for almost 24 hours before getting tired.
My tip for staying awake is to take a nap before you hit the casino. A bit of a nanna'a way, but it'll work. Drink coffee or Coke/cola or any stimulant. NoDoz tablets? Pseudoephedrine works good. A mate and I once used it when going paintballing early on a cold morning after a big day/night before. We shot three times as many paintballs as anyone else, but thats probably just cos we're sadistic :flame: Cold and flu tablets.
Amphetamines work even better, or so I'm told.