World Series of Blackjack 2006 Invitation!


Staff member
Well, as the satellite process is winding down, GSN still has a handful of seats that will be manually filled using their own selection criteria. That means that you have another way to get into the big money. Here's the scoop, direct from GSN:

Attention World Class Blackjack Players!

The WORLD SERIES of BLACKJACK 2006 is looking for the best of the best in blackjack tournament players, to compete in this year’s World Series for a share of the $1 million purse. There are very limited invitations remaining. If you would like to be considered for this prestigious event, please send your tournament credentials and a recent picture to: [email protected]

Due to the limited number of remaining seats, we suggest that you submit ASAP.


If you haven't heard about the World Series, it is a TV show with 40 players competing for a $1 Million prize pool. It will be filmed in late February and early March at the Las Vegas Hilton.

This event, and all the satellite events for it are discussed at length on the message boards at


Staff member
Yes, I was among the 25 players invited for WSOB 2004, and I made the final table. However, a big double-down loss killed my shot at the championship, and I finished in sixth place.

Last year, they expanded the field to 40 players, and I was again a participant. Luck again frowned on me, and I was eliminated on my first table.

I don't know yet whether I'll be a part of WSOB 2006, but I'm out there trying to win a seat at the satellites.

One more thing: Although the wording of their invitation talks about sending your tournament credentials, it can't hurt to submit your info even if you're not a serious tournament player. If you have a good 'back-story' for a blackjack show, you might have a shot at being selected.

Worst case (and most likely), you'll have wasted the time to prepare a bio. But, the best case is that you're playing for a shot at half a million dollars.


Well-Known Member

Just curious, I thought you can only enter the tournament through a satellite. The GSN web site did not mention anything about submitting a profile, as an alternate way of entering the tournament...


Staff member
This is no surprise to me, as I expected all along that there would be a handful of seats held back for invitees. I believe that we're talking about 8 to 10 seats of the 40 total.

My main complaint of the handling of this year's event was the complete lack of promotion until very late in the game. Some of the satellites were very poorly attended, just because noone knew about them. I attended a weekly qualifier in Mississippi that had only 13 players! And, no, I didn't advance in it. :eek: (Winning that night would have given me a chance to play a final table in a later week where the actual WSOB seat was awarded.)

I'm a big fan of what GSN has done for the game over the last couple of years, and I know that the guys there are pushing hard to get this stuff right. I fully expect a much more well-executed plan for WSOB 2007, and I expect it to start not long after WSOB 2006 is a wrap.