Recent content by Memphis10Tigers

  1. Memphis10Tigers

    Round TC up/down?

    Floor is the most conservative and the most recommended and is as follows: 4.9 = 4 TC 4.5 = 4 TC 4.1 = 4 TC -4.1 = -5 TC -4.5 = -5 TC -4.9 = -5 TC I use the truncate method. Under this method, you always round toward zero. This yields the same result as the Floor in positive counts...
  2. Memphis10Tigers

    Wong out?

    Also, wonging out has nothing to do with leaving the casino because you met your EV...
  3. Memphis10Tigers

    Beating 6:5

    As I understand, hand composition is nothing more than card counting index plays which only consider the cards in your hand plus the dealer up-card. In single decks game, this is important. I wouldn't worry about memorizing the "single deck basic strategy." Just learn the indices for the...
  4. Memphis10Tigers

    Need help with Indices

    Thanks. My next question is how to spread using the TC rather than the True Edge since BBIBJ only discusses spreads with the True Edge. I know there are multiple considerations to be taken, but let's say I spread 1-10. At what True Counts would I adjust for each spread?
  5. Memphis10Tigers

    Need help with Indices

    I think this answers most everything for me: I don't really get why you would want to consistently use the True Edge conversion rather than the True Count.
  6. Memphis10Tigers

    Need help with Indices

    Recently, I have been learning the Zen Count as it is presented in Arnold Snyder's BBIBJ. I had been practicing using Hi-Lo with the Illustrious 18 indices. I have CVBJ for practice purposes, and when I set my strategy in the settings I am offered the Basic Zen Count, Complete Zen Count, and...
  7. Memphis10Tigers

    Frustrated Thoughts

    The trips I made to these shops were with family or coworkers, so it was more for entertainment purposes than trying to implement any real strategy. I have a long way to go before I put anything real into practice, but I find it beneficial to make an occasional trip to the casino to take in the...
  8. Memphis10Tigers

    Frustrated Thoughts

    Over the past three weeks I have been to casinos in Windsor, Detroit, and Mount Pleasant, MI. As a beginner, I keep bouncing back and forth as to whether or not I'm wasting my time on this venture. I keep thinking to myself "I'm a pretty smart dude...I could be using this time to research and...
  9. Memphis10Tigers

    First Time in the Casino Counting

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm really hoping to continue building on my momentum, but understand that I should prepare myself for some not so good times too. As far as back-counting goes, what is the best way to come off as just a casual observer? And what about excuses for...
  10. Memphis10Tigers

    First Time in the Casino Counting

    Well...I'm in Windsor right now on a biz trip, and a few coworkers wanted to check out a local casino. I have been practicing counting religiously on CVBJ and feel like I've got a pretty good handle on it now. All I had was 200 Canadian on me, and I didn't want to break out the ATM card in...
  11. Memphis10Tigers

    keeping it simple

    Great post. One person may want to use his time scouting tables with favorable games and use an unadvanced system whereas the other would rather play an average game and use an advanced system to beat it. In the end, the versatility of your skill sets is what will make or break you. These are...
  12. Memphis10Tigers

    TC Conversions

    On a side note, reviewing the chart really put the importance of penetration into perspective for me. In a 6-deck shoe, you really won't be hitting that "sweet spot" very often unless you are deep into the shoe or have a really high RC.
  13. Memphis10Tigers

    TC Conversions

    So I decided to create a quick chart of flooring to give me a ballpark idea of when my bets should ramp up. I highlighted all points where TC Floored >= 5 as this is where I am planning to make max bet and I will only be using the Illustrious 18 indices. I'm not going to worry too much about...
  14. Memphis10Tigers

    TC Conversions

    So...Assuming 6-deck, RC = 7 and Discard tray = 2.5. You floor Discard tray to 2, leaving 4 decks remaining and arrive at 1.75. Do you also floor this to 1? Or do you round up to 2 since you have already applied an element of conservatism in your discard tray estimation? This element really...