Hi guys, let me introduce myself, if anyone really cares. First let me say that of all the blackjack sites on the web, I find this one to have the best (knowledgeable and helpful) members of any. I know im not the most eloquent or humorous writer, so I appreciate it if you can hang in there. I recently turned 21, and had my first casino experience in Sydney,Australia; it was a pretty bad experience. I played blackjack there and ended up losing around $1,000 Australian. When I was already down, I remembered hearing something about "counting cards" so I did a little research. Armed with my new information, I went back to the casino determined to make my money back. Instead, I just dug myself a deeper hole. Only later did I realize that they used those damn CSMs and my idiotic "counting" was all for naught. When I came back to the good ole US of A, I was even more determined to seriously study card counting, especially since I don't live too far from Atlantic City. So I learned the hi-lo method and pretty soon was able to count down a deck accurately in around 25-30 seconds. I took out some books from the library and realized that the actual counting is just a small percentage of what it takes to be successful, so I researched everything else I could find and ordered some books, too. I've read Arnold Snyder's big book of blackjack, and blackbelt in blackjack, the latter of which I found quite enlightening. I'm really looking forward to testing myself, and though I realize I am going to need some casino practice, I have a trip planned to AC in 2 weeks with a friend, and plan to play at the tropicana and/or borgata (ive read that they have the best games) which brings me to ask a few questions:
1- what is the best strategy to approach an AC game with- is it better to backcount and wong in (assuming they allow MSE) or should i just try to find a good table and play it out there?
2- How can one backcount and wong without immediately being labeled as a counter? isnt it obvious?
3- How can I know what the penetration of a certain table/dealer is without sitting down and seeing it? And if i do that and it's no good, wouldn't it be suspicious if I got up and left every time it wasn't favorable?
4- I plan to play at the $10 tables (I'll bring 150x that, as suggested in blackbelt)..Do i need any camouflage at all, or are my tiny bets of no concern to the casino?
Answers to any or all of my questions and any general advise to a new counter would be VERY VERY APPRECIATED!! Thanks so much guys and gals..
1- what is the best strategy to approach an AC game with- is it better to backcount and wong in (assuming they allow MSE) or should i just try to find a good table and play it out there?
2- How can one backcount and wong without immediately being labeled as a counter? isnt it obvious?
3- How can I know what the penetration of a certain table/dealer is without sitting down and seeing it? And if i do that and it's no good, wouldn't it be suspicious if I got up and left every time it wasn't favorable?
4- I plan to play at the $10 tables (I'll bring 150x that, as suggested in blackbelt)..Do i need any camouflage at all, or are my tiny bets of no concern to the casino?
Answers to any or all of my questions and any general advise to a new counter would be VERY VERY APPRECIATED!! Thanks so much guys and gals..