Please recommend me a book


New Member
I went to the book store and there's probably 20 or so books on BJ. I'm guessing most all say the same thing. I know basic strategy and know the H-Lo count, (still practicing on getting better though). I would like your opinions on the most thorough book there is on advanced strategies. Thanks in advance.

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
Blackjack Bluebook II by Fred Renzey.

Also, if you are going to buy a book, please consider buying it through the store associated with these forums.


Well-Known Member
There are some good book recommendations in the FAQ thread. Since you already know the HiLo system you might want to read Schlesinger’s Blackjack Attack. It discusses playing strategies, betting strategies, game selection, standard deviation, risk of ruin, backcounting techniques, and pretty much all the basics. Basically, it tells you how to use card counting successfully. The new edition is available through this site.


Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
Get Arnold Snyder's Blackbelt in Blackjack. It will inspire you to go to a level 2 count. It also has the immeasurably valuable Snyder Profit Index. Great for the player who wants to as he puts it "earn his green belt".


Well-Known Member
Martin Gayle said:
Get Arnold Snyder's Blackbelt in Blackjack.
Absolutely! That is one of the best books to start with. Definitely read that one before Schlesinger's book.



Well-Known Member
advanced techniques

If you are looking for advanced techniques i would suggest the Shuffle Trackers Cookbook. I just orderd a new one called Blackjack Ace Prediction, I will let you know how it is as soon as im done. Other then that I agree that the blackjack bluebook II is a very good read.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you read as much as you can on the subject. Try going to your library to see if they have any of the book listed in the FAQ to save a few bucks. I also recomend Stanford Wong's Professional Blackjack and Ian Anderson's Turning the Tables in Las Vegas.


Well-Known Member

Oh yes i didnt even think of burning the tables in las vegas. This book covers alot of subjects that no others books do. His camoflauge is great, and he describes ways to travel with money, how to play for comps, disguises, and many other areas that I have yet to see in any other book. I would recomend this book for any blackjack player who is serious about winning.


Well-Known Member
Did I see Dnyder's "Big Book of BlackJack" in there? Covers a lot of ground including BJ variations, but easy beginner book.


Well-Known Member
Blackjack Blueprint

Check out Blaine's "Blackjack Blueprint".
The second half offers insights into camouflage, counter-
measures, cheating, advanced plays, team play, etc.

You'll recognize the first half of the book, as it teaches
BS and Hi-Lo in the Revere mold.

BJinNJ :cool:


New Member
Ha.. I was going to make a new thread about this, but then I thought I should check a few pages back because I know how annoying it is when new members join and make duplicate threads..
So I'm looking to probably get 2 books, I understand BS and Hi-Lo but am still pretty new..
Would Blackbelt in Blackjack and Blackjack Attack be 2 good ones to get me going?


Well-Known Member
"Blackbelt in Blackjack"

"Blackbelt in Blackjack" is the best choice for a new BJ player.

It contains the easiest system for a newbie to learn i.e. Hi-Lo Lite as well as my multi-deck preference - the powerful ZEN COUNT. It uses rounded index numbers that are very easy to learn.

It is written in a style that is completely non-intimidating. The book is inexpensive. It contains NO bad advice at all. I own virtually ALL of the books that exist on BJ.

By nature I am a critical nit-picker; but I cannot but praise this invaluable work when it comes to the best book for a novice blackjack player who wants to become an A.P. It is where I started decades ago.

Get the 2005 edition:

Footnote: Additional must-have books are few and far between. "Blackjack Attack, 3rd ed." is priceless, but isn't for beginners.

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