time investment and risk in counting vs stock market


I just recently came up with this thought that the time investment and risk in blackjack counting is similar to stock market. How do they compare in general and the outcome?



Well-Known Member
Well one popular investment strategy, which is just to buy a few diverse index funds or ETFs and hold them, has no time investment. Of course the return for a blackjack bet is about 1 to 2 % over a time span of one minute, whereas the stock market investment should return about 7 to 8% annually. I guess the more accurate comparison would be what you could do with say 70k as a bankroll for card counting vs 70k invested in the stock market. So with the latter you might expect a return of say $7000 a year (optimistic projection) whereas the 70k bankroll could easily return 100k in a year but require say 4000 hours of labour.

Of course the two things aren't mutually exclusive. You could invest your blackjack bankroll (or winnings generated from it) in the stock market.


Ic, thanks for your reply Meistro. In your case, are you currently taking the winnings from counting to invest in stocks or growing your bankroll in betting? How do you manage?


Well-Known Member
Luckily, as a broke working stiff I do not have to concern myself with those matters, but again those things are not mutually exclusive.
In my opinion, blackjack and all that is a very unreliable thing and I would not invest my money there ever. Show me a man who got rich on it and didn't go bankrupt. I always watch my money very carefully. I keep them in a Bank and in different currencies. But I started doing this recently. After I got a financial adviser. It helps me allocate my budget and spend money wisely. I found it in an article about financial advisors.
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beating vegas

Well-Known Member
The commodities market is better. If your friends with a trader you can tailgate a commodity that someone just put a bigger order in and get at same price. “This is completely legal to do.” You just have to have a trader willing to do it.

But even if you don’t front load or tail gate a commodity. You still find better investments.

like Uranium Ore under the energy commodities.
It’s safe to say that we will need more nuclear power plants to meet the electricity demand.