Woohoo Do I get secret admission to the Blackjackinfo's wall of shame?


Well-Known Member
or I guess I should say hall of shame for becoming an executive on this site? Does this mean I get to delgate all of my work to ploppies on here? :p



Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
or I guess I should say hall of shame for becoming an executive on this site? Does this mean I get to delgate all of my work to ploppies on here? :p

Stand-by, Thunder, ill be sending you the secret password, thats for Executive Member's only.

Ps. Where's lightning at tonite??


Well-Known Member
EMO, The Da Vinci Code

jack said:
Stand-by, Thunder, ill be sending you the secret password, thats for Executive Member's only.

Ps. Where's lightning at tonite??
Hey Jack, I got banned from here a while back and now I see the computer promoted me, too, from off the bottom of the totem-pile. Phew! It's always a relief to get out of the basement...

Now this secret password thing is intriguing -for EMO. Is it something like Opus Dei out of The Da Vinci Code? If so, I can't wait to get mine... Only another 500 posts to go... As an EM, does the secret PW open casino's vaults and let me happily pilfer Bennies to my heart's content? You can tell me, I can keep a secret. I promise not to tell any more than 5 people.

Are these secret passwords cumulative as well? Like every 549 posts or something, do you get another one? If so, people such as yourself, and serial posters such as Aslan, Sage, Sonny and especially zg must have accumulated a whole drawer full of secrets by now. :cat:


Well-Known Member
secret passwords!

I do believe you qualify for your first part of your secret password. Here it is and more to follow, "owatta". Keep it in your secret password file we'll give you another soon. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I do believe you qualify for your first part of your secret password. Here it is and more to follow, "owatta". Keep it in your secret password file we'll give you another soon.
You'll be getting your decoder ring in the mail. I hope you like Ovaltine.



Well-Known Member
Ovaltine hero

Nazgul said:
You'll be getting your decoder ring in the mail. I hope you like Ovaltine.

First JJ mumbles something about a PW; then Jim can't spell 'ottawa', and now Naz reckons I gotta buy some Ovaltine and rummage in the tin for my decoder. I'm already up to my ears in scam emails from Nigeria, Ghana and Hong Kong. Oh, when will I EVER get my EMO badge!!!...:cool2:


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Hey Jack, I got banned from here a while back and now I see the computer promoted me, too, from off the bottom of the totem-pile. Phew! It's always a relief to get out of the basement...

Now this secret password thing is intriguing -for EMO. Is it something like Opus Dei out of The Da Vinci Code? If so, I can't wait to get mine... Only another 500 posts to go... As an EM, does the secret PW open casino's vaults and let me happily pilfer Bennies to my heart's content? You can tell me, I can keep a secret. I promise not to tell any more than 5 people.

Are these secret passwords cumulative as well? Like every 549 posts or something, do you get another one? If so, people such as yourself, and serial posters such as Aslan, Sage, Sonny and especially zg must have accumulated a whole drawer full of secrets by now. :cat:

Once you submit a undisclosed amount of posts, you will be contacted from one of our "secret password members" with a secret password. Now since I cant tell you exactly what the secret password is, I can however, tell-ya; it has something to do with free cable:joker:


Well-Known Member
Joe Nobody

jack said:
Once you submit a undisclosed amount of posts, you will be contacted from one of our "secret password members" with a secret password. Now since I cant tell you exactly what the secret password is, I can however, tell-ya; it has something to do with free cable:joker:
Wow, this is getting ultra-exciting. How many "secret password members" are there? I see now it's the Cable Guy getting involved. Is James Bond going to pop up next as well? 007 is a good Pin #. Was I close? If I nailed it already, It's OK. Like I said, I can keep a secret. With so many secrets going around, what happens if you forget one?

JJ, just between you and me, (I can keep a secret) when I get to be an EM, will I feel, errr... you know, sort of more... important. You know, like the Prez. One day he was Joe Nobody, next, he is The Man. Is is sort of like that? :cat:

PS I'm glad you never mentioned Ovaltine. I hate the stuff.


Well-Known Member
I made it!

Katweezel said:
Wow, this is getting ultra-exciting. How many "secret password members" are there? I see now it's the Cable Guy getting involved. Is James Bond going to pop up next as well? 007 is a good Pin #. Was I close? If I nailed it already, It's OK. Like I said, I can keep a secret. With so many secrets going around, what happens if you forget one?

JJ, just between you and me, (I can keep a secret) when I get to be an EM, will I feel, errr... you know, sort of more... important. You know, like the Prez. One day he was Joe Nobody, next, he is The Man. Is is sort of like that? :cat:

PS I'm glad you never mentioned Ovaltine. I hate the stuff.
Wow, man. This is kinda real freaky. My posts clicked over from 499 to 500 and the computer changed me to: EXECUTIVE MEMBER, just like that! There I was thinking I would be a JUNIOR EM for 6 months or something, like on probation. I wanna thank all you guys for the Ovaltine help, all those secret passwords, the decoder ring, the cable guy, the secret handsignals, nosewipes and bum-scratches, PLUS the other secrets that are so secret I can't say any more about them here. It's a great feeling being a secret ain't it?

But the biggest thrill was the feeling. Joe nobody one day, and then, like Head Honcho the next. Now I can start throwing my weight around, just like the big shots here, right? Now who can I pick on to run errands and stuff? BTW where is the coffee machine? I haven't seen it yet. Time for a party.:celebrate


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Wow, man. This is kinda real freaky. My posts clicked over from 499 to 500 and the computer changed me to: EXECUTIVE MEMBER, just like that! There I was thinking I would be a JUNIOR EM for 6 months or something, like on probation. I wanna thank all you guys for the Ovaltine help, all those secret passwords, the decoder ring, the cable guy, the secret handsignals, nosewipes and bum-scratches, PLUS the other secrets that are so secret I can't say any more about them here. It's a great feeling being a secret ain't it?

But the biggest thrill was the feeling. Joe nobody one day, and then, like Head Honcho the next. Now I can start throwing my weight around, just like the big shots here, right? Now who can I pick on to run errands and stuff? BTW where is the coffee machine? I haven't seen it yet. Time for a party.:celebrate
I think Ken needs to break it down some more.

5000+=cant think of anything:confused:


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
or I guess I should say hall of shame for becoming an executive on this site? Does this mean I get to delgate all of my work to ploppies on here? :p

Just says you have an interest.


Well-Known Member
5000+ posts should be "What are you doing on the internet?! Go out and get the money already!!!"

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
jack said:
I think Ken needs to break it down some more.

5000+=cant think of anything:confused:
Jack, you forgot one: banned!

Oh, and I see that gives me a cool 100!


Best regards,



Well-Known Member

Finn Dog said:
Jack, you forgot one: banned!

Oh, and I see that gives me a cool 100!


Best regards,

1 or less=banned

Stand-by, and await arrival, from Kat Weezel, of the Top-secret, Alpha-numeric password.


Well-Known Member
Ovaltine tin message

jack said:
1 or less=banned

Stand-by, and await arrival, from Kat Weezel, of the Top-secret, Alpha-numeric password.
Finn, It (secretly) helps a lot if you like Ovaltine. :cat: