Basic strategy - help me understand.

I'm learning the basic strategy by heart, but I still got a hard time understanding something.

How come you want to hit on 18, soft total, against a 7 and 8, but having a 17+ in hard total, you would always stand against anything.

I get how the chance of busting is way higher when having a hard total etc., but could someone break the math behind this down?

Just looking at it, I feel the odds of getting a better hand is quite slim.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Well-Known Member
Well to start off you don't want to hit soft eighteen against a seven or 8. I recommend a stand in this situation. As for hard 17 or 18 there are only 4 or 3 cards that can help you, so you are better off standing and hoping the dealer busts or ties you.
It's me confusing myself extremly :). Of course you don't wanna hit - but you want to double against 2-6, but that makes sense.

Maybe I should consider taking a 2. look at the chart, before typing - I'm slightly embarrassed, but thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
No worries, I am happy to help. Feel free to post any other questions that might occur to you and I would be pleased to answer them.
Well I just started my card-counting for not too long, so I think I will have a look around here for advice on Bankroll, strategies when count is +/- etc., but if I have anything I'll return!

Thanks a lot :)


Well-Known Member
sounds good. I strongly recommend you practice at home until you have everything perfect before stepping foot in a casino. You'll want to perfectly memorize basic strategy for the rule set of your local casino, learn 20 or so deviations from basic strategy and become proficient at deck estimation and converting from the running count to the true count. Plus you'll have to learn how to actually count the cards. You'll want to acquire six decks of cards, as well as a blackjack shoe and a discard tray. It's good if you can get someone to deal for you too. Noobs always make mistakes, so make them at home when you are playing for funsies, not at the casino with your hard earned money on the line.
Meistro said:
sounds good. I strongly recommend you practice at home until you have everything perfect before stepping foot in a casino. You'll want to perfectly memorize basic strategy for the rule set of your local casino, learn 20 or so deviations from basic strategy and become proficient at deck estimation and converting from the running count to the true count. Plus you'll have to learn how to actually count the cards. You'll want to acquire six decks of cards, as well as a blackjack shoe and a discard tray. It's good if you can get someone to deal for you too. Noobs always make mistakes, so make them at home when you are playing for funsies, not at the casino with your hard earned money on the line.
That's what I'm trying to do. I've got no shoe for now though, but I'll get it right away - thanks :)

Do any of you guys know any good list or site that displays the deviations well? Also I'm counting by HI/LO as it seems the easiest to remember.

Also does anyone have any suggestions for books? Been looking around, but it's hard to tell which ones are good and which ones are crap, or should I just stick to forums and websites?
norskcasino said:
I am also new to blackjack. I just started learning and playing it. So, I join different blackjack related forum to know more about it like tips and strategy.
Are you from Norway? Also you found any tables on deviation?
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xengrifter said:
Lasse, still awaiting you to clarify the above question.
Hey Xengrifer,

Sorry, I meant nothing with nothing answering. Thought I clarified it in my other posts. I clearly confused myself - I should have looked at the table again, before writing such nonsense :)!

Thanks for responding though! :D
Meistro said:
This one is pretty good for only $1 and it does have a bunch of hi lo index play deviation charts for various rule sets.

Thanks once again! What should I make of the difference in B.S in the book compared to for example the one I found on here: .

Does it link to the way of counting? As the book promote +1 for 2-7, 8 being neutral and 9-A as -1 -- as to where BJ apperenticehip count 7-9 as neutrals.

-- Though I don't see any connection. B.S is B.S no matter what, right?
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Well-Known Member
Use +1 for 2-6, count 7, 8 and 9 as neutral and T, J, Q, K and A as -1. AFAIK that is the method described in hi lo book mentioned above.

Basic strategy varies based on the rules. So for example in S17 game you will hit 11 v A and stay A8 v 6 whereas in a H17 game you would double both of these hands. In a ENHC game you hit 88 v T whereas this is a BS split in a peek or obo game. There is a good basic strategy chart generator on this website located here :

Please do ensure your are using the proper basic strategy as well as proper index plays for the rule set that you are playing under.
@Meistro Do you have any knowlegde about I considered buying their starter-pack, so all my information would be from one source. I bought the book you suggested me, and will into reading it, but I figured a "complete course" would always be nice. It's a bit expensive thoug, so just wanted to hear someone elses thought on them :)

Thanks in advance, once again :)


Well-Known Member
Lasse Andersen said:
@Meistro Do you have any knowlegde about I considered buying their starter-pack, so all my information would be from one source. I bought the book you suggested me, and will into reading it, but I figured a "complete course" would always be nice. It's a bit expensive thoug, so just wanted to hear someone elses thought on them :)

Thanks in advance, once again :)
The people involved do know their stuff, but it's easy enough to learn on your own from a few books and forums. IMO not worth the price at all.
I did put BJ off for a bit, but I returned armed with "Professional Blackjack", by 'Stanford Wong'.

I did improve a lot. I know the basic strategy by heart, I'm able to play (at home) keeping track of the right plays + count.

Now I'm a bit uncertain what my next move should be. Should I learn the deviations, described in "Professional Blackjack" by heart and try to impliment it to my counting?

What I'm doing lately is just using 30-40 minutes per day, from home, practicing counting down decks, doing some simulation on my PC while keeping count and noting how fast I'm able to do 50-100 hands etc.