Forum message boards have been reopened


As a public service, we have reopened the free message boards.  We will make some improvements as time goes on.  Suggestions are welcome by posting on the board itself.

See you there!

About the Author

LV Bear

A seasoned veteran in the industry, LV Bear has been a full-time professional blackjack player since 1999. To this day, he contributes his expertise to educating members of and Click here to discover how LV Bear turned blackjack into a professional full time career

For a list of all contributors to click here

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Paul Hennessey
Paul Hennessey
6 years ago

Why not double my 11 against an ace that the dealer has proved is not a blackjack?

6 years ago
Reply to  Paul Hennessey

Please post this question on the Forum message board. Thank you.

Eser Aras
Eser Aras
7 years ago

Torneios exclusivos diários de jogo em máquinas slots on-line! Não perca a sua chance! Adere!

Marco Casula
Marco Casula
7 years ago

Hello there,
here just another developer with some free time in the weekend that want to produce a free software that maybe will be useful for someone else.

Right now me and a few other people are collaborating on a public repository to accomplish the first Goal: release a fully “customizable” blackjack engine written in nodejs (usable as server side or client side).

Consider the following:
– no one company is sponsoring the project (and we do not want it)
– code is fully reusable by you for any purpose you want (under GPL 2 licence)
– code is free

What are we releasing?
– YES the full code, its tests.
– YES a minimal user interface to play the game with its server that can be used as model to build something ready for production.
– NO, a nice and attractive user interface ready for final customer (that is up to you)

So, I’m writing here to ask if are we allowed to use references we discover in this page as part of the documentation (commenting the source of the information)?

Thanks a lot for you time and if you want to contribute to our project (by asking for particular options or variation that are not yet included) you are very welcome.

You can access the project here

LV Bear
LV Bear
7 years ago
Reply to  Marco Casula

Yes, you may use material herein, as long as receives proper attribution.

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